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epunrfhmenuof whoredomeinthis life. 173 CHAP. XII. of thepublike punifhments which theLordinfliCieth uponthe Common-wealthfor thefinne of whoredome. iIjtlr%, Nd thcfe are the punifhmentsvhich for the fin of whoredome are infli&ed uponprivate That the tom:, perfons. Befides which the Lord impofeth,tot witbá r4q As many heauy iudgements vpon the publike diuerßypuni- -lt ; \ flate,and vpon the wholeCommon-wealth : fliedfor thefn for where whoredome aboundeth , there the whole land ofwhoredoma, mourneth, andbeeing fpoilcdof her fruits.,wherewith(lice 1er,234o. . (hould nourifh her inhabitants, fhe fitteth forrovvfull hang- ingdown the head, like a mifcrable mother,who being im- portuned forfoodby her flamed childre, bathnotany thing to giue them to fatisfie their hunger, & prekrue them from fami(hing. Sometimes the Country is fo grieuoufly ficke through the noyfomchumors andburthenous corruptions of vncleanneffe,that it hath noother meanesto cafe it felfe, butbyvotniting out allthe inhabitants, as appeareth in the example oftheCananites,Leuit. 18.25.28. fometimes when Leuia.2 .z.* men negle&thepunifhment ofthefe finnes ofvncleanneffe, their cryafcendeth vp into heauen importuning theLord to take extraordinaryvengeance,when ordinary iufiict is not executed; as we may fee in the.example ofSodom and Go- Gen19 morrah, which were defiroied with fireand brimfione that came down fromheauen. And foinetime.the heat ofthis fil- thy lull fo inflameth the iuil wrathofGod,that nothing wil appeafe andquench it, but a large flreame of the offenders bloud; as appeareth in theexample ofthe Ifraelites,who for their fpirituall and carnali whoredome with the Moabites were deflroied to the number one time; as ap pearethNotnb.2 5.9. And in the Beniamiteswhowere al- NUM2 mofI all put to the fword for committing and defending thefe fames of vncleanneffe. And alto in the Sichemites, idg.zos., yvho for the filthineffe of their Lords forme, in deflouring Z ..3 Dinah,