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186 Ofthe puni,ment ofAdultery. And this is that argument which theholy Ghofi vfeth to ag- grauate the finneofadultery, farreár cue the finneof theft: .44en(faith he) doe not defpife a theefe when heflealeth tofa. tisfie hisfoule,becaufe he is hungry,&c. But hee that commit. teth adulterywith a woman hee is deffituteof vnderflandi g: Prou 6.30.32 he that Bothit, deflroiethhis ownefoule.Prou.6, 3 0.3 2. S.Scl.z. That by the law of God a duleerymscs pu_ nefhed with death. Lcüit.zo.10. Deut. CHAP. XVI. Ofthepuni/hment ofAdultery. Nd thus haue I (hewed that adultery is a grieuous finne. The confìderarion whereof lhould bee an a-uall argument to ref}raise all men from fal- ling into. ; for ifeuery, ordinary (Mile defcrueth Gods and ger and eternal] condemnation , then what fierce wrath and deepecondemnation is due vnto them ;_who make no con- fcience of committing theCe finites, which are fo cTitall and hamous? But becaufe many fecure worldlings make light account of the heauiefi burthen of fïnne,andcarelittle for prouoking Godswrath,Co they may fècurelycnioy their carnal pleafures; therefore in the next placeI will allo Phew how fcarefully this finne is puni(1ned, and that both in this life,and the life to come.In this life thepunifhment ofa.dul- tery is either ordinary, or extraordinary . Theordinariepu- ni(hment which by the Jaw of God is to bee inflicted vpon -adulterers,is death it Celle, as appeareth, Leuìr. 20.10. The man that committeth' adultery with another mans wife be- caufe he hath committed adulterywith his neighbors wife,the adulterer andadulterefefhaldie the death.SoDent. 2 2.22.1f a manbefound lyingwith a wawamarried to aman,then they Thaldie euenboth twaine,towit,tbeman that laywith thewife, and the wife , fo thou_limit put away truillfrom Ifrael. The which lawwas executed with the greater} fcuerity among the peopleof God by his ovine expreffeappointmcnr;Iorwher.. as other crimes were not punifhcdwith death , vnlefie the partywereconuided by thedirer teflimony oftwowitncf f.s at the lcaa, the Lord permitted the jealous husband to