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:goal other areabufed'byvain flyetring. 19 Notwith(landing,howfoeuer theLordhath flraitly for - §.Sett.4. bidden and -condemned this fnne, and though the Hea- ofnrophane (hens themfelues made force confcience ofit,yet this hor- andvame fwearing ixer. rible prophanation of Gods holy naine fo exceedingly dinaky CM. raigneth in our times , euen among(l thole whoprofeffemunication Chri(lianity,that by reafon of thefe vaine othes and impi- ous blafphemies,theland mourneth, being oppreffedwith theheauy burthen of this fin, and Gods fearefull iudge- ments whichvfually accompany it, as the Prophet Jeremy Iere.a3, ro .complaineth ofhis times. Neither bath this graceleffevice Tbatallforts ofprophaning Gods name, corrupted force fewperfons in r men c r. this our country,buthath ouerfpreadal fl:ates and conditi- thú nice fb ours of men . Our Magiftrates who fhould re(}raine men vain ¡wearing.. from this finne,by their lawes,examples,and punifhments, I.Magzflratce. make no !awesagainft fwearing , left they fhould preparea net to catch themfelues nor infli&any punilbments up- on offenders in this kind, becaufe their owne confciences are guilty ofthe fame finnes; orto fpeake the beft,becaufe -fuck is the multitude of blafphemers, that they thinke it vaine tomake lawes, feeing there is no likelihood ofexe- cution,there being not enow innocent topunifh the offen- ders And howfoeuer theyfeuerely punifh any reprochfull fpceches vttered againtt themfelues,yet whenGod is blaf- phemed theywinke at it, andkaue the reuenge wholly to himfelfe,faying in their hearts,as haft; faidoftheIdol Ba- Iud.6,3 r al,Iudg.6.3 i.Whyfhouldwe contend inGods caufe ? ifhe be God lethim plead for himfelf, againft thole who blaf- phemhis name.But let fuch know that the Lordwil furely take themat their word ; and howfoeuer throughhis pati- ence he fuffereth long,yet in the endhe wil feuerelypunifh fuchMagiflrates,as make their owne euillpra6life a perni- cious prefident to the people;andfuch alto who hauingau- thority topunifh this fin,do carry the fword in vaine, ne- uer drawing it out againft thefe impious fwearers,no nor fo much as touching them with the fcabberd. §'SeS Our Nobility likewife for themoll part aremuch infectled ö r Neb11it !sled Iv" with this vice,who morecontend to fhew their fpirit and vainefwea- valour by defperate (wearing, then by feates ofacmes; not ring. D 2 caring