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'34 (JYletildat toperfw#rde all men to leasevainefivedring. ted with this leproCie, iffcparation be not made, flee will })ikewife infe6t thole that are about him. As thereforeMagi- orates and houlhol dcrs in the time ofcommonGckncifeare veriecarcfull to flay th,E infe&ion,by keeping the lick from thewhole : fo the like Or much greater care muttbee had in keeping thefe whoare info&°d with this contagious f nneof vaine fwearing , from thofewhoare notyet tainted,either till they be reformedand cured, or if they he vncurable, by banifhing them out of the common wealth, and excluding them out ofthe familie; oral leaf} by infl Being vpon theof- fenders fuch feuere punifhmentsas may vtterly difcounte -. nance this finne,and difcourageand deterrc others from fol- lowing their ieaudexample. Se% 12. Secondly ,becaufe where any one enormous fin raigneth Th: impunity in any member ofa fociety , which is not Cupprefred and re- ofone dinner formed,or at leali correfted and fharply punsfhed,that lime bringeth Gods wil bring Godsvengeance and feareful judgements, not on- isdgrments } yvpon the offender but altovpon the whole bodyof that upon the whole Tamil e fociety . For in rcfpcé of that neere communion which is betweene the diners membersof the fame body politicke; it commeth to palfe oftentimes, that both their profperity, and aduerlty, benefits ,and punifhmcnts arc communica- ted . So that as for the fakes of force few godly men, the . whole fociety fareth the better; fo for the finnesof loge fcw,which areeither defended, winked at, or not punifhed; Gods temporary iudgenscnts are infixedvpon thewhole body,whether it be a private fantilic,or the whole common wealhb Oftheformerwe haue an example in V es'noufe, ruined and fuhuerted through the vncorreeted fnnes of .Sam.333 Hophni and Phinees; ofthe iatrer,in the Beniamites ,whofc whole tribe was necre rooted out for not punifhing theabo- Aud,r9,& a® minable filthineffe of the inhabitants ofGibeah : and in the Ifraelites,who for the lînneof Achan., fell before their enc.- mies. If then wee would not haue Gods curie light vpon thewholecommon wealth, or ramilie, let theblafphemous fwearerbc reformed, orbanifhed, or at'leaflbyfome.othcr meancs feuetclypunifhed ; for he chat hauingpowerand au- thority giucn bars) ofGod, to punitha lînne., doth winkke