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Ofshe kinds o fperiury. 51 bean , but alto confirme filch deceitful( fpeeches with an oth , yea and which is more( not like Teter who fell into this (ìnne ofperiurie and repented ofir, but)li'ke it , and hue init,approoue anddefend it. CHAP. IX. Ofthediners kinds of `T'eriury. Ndthus much gcheralíy coneerningPeriury. In §Sea. ro the next place we arc to fpeakeof the kinds there- ,__ of, thewhich may bee ditlingui(hed according to the feuctall kindes of a lawful! oth ; for as a true and law- full oth is either aifertorie , which is the affirmation and confirmationof the truth, concerning that which is pat}, or prefent, by an oth; or elfe proniitbrie, whereby vice bind ourfelues by othto performe our promifcconcerning things to comer fo likewife, periurie is eitheraticrtorie , or y promiflorie. Ail'ertoryperiury is, wherebywe "fweare that of«fT y. to be true , whichwe eitherknow or thinke tobee falfe; or contrariwtfe, that to befalfe,which we eitherknowor think tobe true . So that there arc twofpeciall kindsofthis periu ries the firtf,when we confirme by oth that which wee know certainly tobe falfe ; theother, when as wefweare that to be true,whichwe think is falfc, thoughafterwards it may fall out to be true. For though the thingbe true,yet he who taketh theoth fweareth falflv,becaufe his fpeech agrcethnot with his minde , andhis (cope is to decciuchim towhom hee fweareth, and confequently it is no better then plaine periurie,and all one in Gods fight as if the thingwere faller for as the maine end of a lawfull and religious oth is the confirmationoftruth ; fo theendofperiuric is falthood and deceit. promtfforie periury is,whercbvwee either plainly or cur,- S.Seel 2. ningly promife that by oth, whichwee intend not toper- Prowfory forrne;or hauing at the titncof the takingouroth, pug- Periary,rrfaat poled alter a. lawfull manner to perforane it , yet through lucontlancy, change our minds , and wiltnot doe it when as Ii z we __4