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Otbes wowLindtoïnspoff ilitiet. 57 by callinghirn to be ourwitnethe A9dCurdy ; ifirbe not ap- parant,it is prophanc rafhneffe; for before we fweare , we ought co bee affured of the lawfulneffe ofour orh. Bur if through infirmity cr. corruption, wehauefallen into this tin, let vs heartily repent for that whtch is pa!i, and not eor:tt- nue in it byaddingvnto vnlawfull (wearing , vnlawfull per- formance, followingherein the exampleof `.David, who re- s,5am.2 S tieredhis frnfull oth,whcn by Abigailnc was conuinced,,f the vnlawfulnetre thereof. And thus haue I Ihewed that vnlawfull othes doe not §. SeF,1.6. binde theconfc;enee . The like may beePaid of thole oche, Othec c mtay which containcin them an impoflibiitryof perforwance,as ping i,npovi. ties doe not when we promife that whichwe havenopo 1ìile mcanes to bind the cex-. doc and perforrnc , it b,'eing farre aboue our abilirie and po- fcienct. wer . Yea butwill Come f..v,we prom i1c inbaptifrne by o:h, that we kx ill performe obedience vnto Gods law ; the which ofour cabin is impoilóle for vs to performer and therefore , either that Bspt,fn,e. oth is vaine, and ueedletle , or elf's wce may lawfufly fwcare vat :, iri,poflîbiJuies.I anGcre,that in baptifine,which is the Sacrament of the new covenant of grace,acc docnot pro- naeexa&performance ofthe Law,but Enangelicall obedi- ence, that wee will heartilydefire, and carnetlly indeuour with all our power, toyeeid that obedience which the law requireth; and that in vprightneticof our hearts, wee will fhriue and labour towalke in theway of Gods commande- tnents; the whichvow & promifecueryChriflian perform- eth, according to that meafure of grace which hebath re- ceiued. And how(ocuer iris not at all in our power to yeeld this Euangelicall obedience, yet this iinpollibility maketh not our othvnlawful,feeing theLord himfclfrequireth this othofvs,when we make thenewcouenant ofgrace, contai- ning a mutual! flipulation betweene God& vs; whereinwe promife faith, and obedience, and the Lordpromifeth his grace & holy fpirir,wherby we areenabled to obey hiswil in Tome ntìeafu,e; & alfo the pardonofour fumes, and manifold imperfc ions,whereby we come far Ilionofthat exa&obe- dience which his law requireth , if we labouring vnder the hcauy burthéofour fins, do tlriue to fluke them offby true 1 'repentance.