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THE EPISTLE DEDIGATORx". them. But neither thecrying firmes of thofe whoarc notorioufly wicked , nor yet the groífe corruptions of fuck as make profefl:ionof religion , doe caufe the {}ate of our land tobee fo dangerous andalmoft def- perate,as the nice wantonneffeof finne, whichma- keth it impatient ofthe leali touch; for howfoeuer it is 'in it felfeof the moll flauifh nature, yet is it foback- ed in thefe times with the numerous multitudeofof- fenders,and focountenanced and befriended by men ofbell quality , and greateil power that it is growne tobe a matter fare more dangerous to reprooue fin then to commit it, efpecially when it is cunningly a1ed , and plainely reprehended . Gods fpirituall Chirurgionsmay indeed in thefe times make as ma- ny corrafiues as theywill ,but if they loue their peace and lífe,they mull take heed that theydoe not apply them; for patients woundedwith the fores offinne, when they admit them to the cure, hold thedagger of reuenge in their hands , ready to flab them , ifthey but touch them to the quicke . And therefore needs mull thefe impatient patients feller in their corrupti- ons to the verydeathofbody and foule , feeing they . will bynomeanes ïndure tohaue their wounds fear- ched . Neuertheleffe all this mutt not daunt anddif- courage thofe whom theLord bath called to thefun- ¿lion of the Miniflery , from theperforming of theix dutie, but the more dangerous and dcfperate their flare is who arecommitted to their charge., the more earnefl and diligent fhould they new themfelues in feeking their preferuation.For they ought to pi cferre the fpirituall health of thofe who are by God corn., mitted to their cure, before their owrae temporary life; and being appointed the Lords watchmen ,the A 2 more