Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceitfelneffe of mans heart. make us faint,they are fo eager and earneft, like the defires of covetous men , who with Ahab, will be sick for their neighbours vineyard, they long for it Co defiroufly:And therefore the Apoftle faith, Covet after fpiritnall things; yea,like the desire ofRabel af- ter children, which made her fay, Give me children, or 1 die.See ie in 1 ìavid: Lille as the Hart brayth after the rivers of water, fo doth my (aide after tbee,0 God. And again, my foul defireth after the line the tbirfly ground. But our Temporaries defires are nothing fo strong : hee doth not, as God commands, open his mouth wide; and cannot fay with David, My heart breaI,eth for desire to thy judgements; nor with the Church, iam f cko f love; nor as Sifera in his naturali chirft,(die for thirfl,give me drink: for this is the na- ture of ftrong and fervent defires,to be fo impatient of delay, that they commonly verifie Sol:waors Pro - verb, The hope that is deferredir the faintin,g of the foul. Therefore our Saviour bleffed indeed thole that hunger and chirft for his righteoufneffe, but yet Cuch as hunger and thirft in mourning, which was that he required before unto bleffednes.The blefl'ed delires then are only thofe which are fo of 0ionate chat they make the defirer to mourn , feeling his idesire not to be fulfilled : but now our Temporarie though hee delire grace, yet he feeleth not hearty griefe in the want of grace,this never troubles him it never breaks his sleep : Therefore his defires are i not right. a True delires of good things are exceeding painfull and labcrious, in avoyding all hindrances , and in ufing all goodhelps and furtherances. There H fore t Cor. t4.re s; Pfa143r. PfaLo43,7. Pra1.81, ro: Pfal.it9,2.0 Cant ic.:f ProY.i3.in: Mac.5.4.6. z Laineíe.