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The deceitfulnef of Mans heart. 131 the heart is to bee referred to the inward renewed good qualities. So that a good heart is a heart which by regeneration is changed, cleanfed and purged of the former naughtinefl'e , and fo indued with ano- ther kinde of nature and difpofition, whereby it ha- teth all liane, and loveth, favoureth, and affe leth things fpirituall.Here then is that we mull narrowly examine our (elves by,if we will not be deceived by our own hearts, in judging our (elves to be Gods children,when we are not. If any man (faith Paul) be , Cor.5'.I7. in Chilli, he muff becom > a new creature. Flee muff have that fame clean heart of the Prophet created in Prl.ij.xo. him, and that fame right fpirit renewed in him. He Ephef4.'2 ;. mutt be renewed in the very fpirìt ofhis mind;in the nroft inward and fubtile parts of the foule,as it were the qu ;nteffence of It. And this haply may alfobee the meaning of the Apoftle, praying for the Thep- r Ther. r,:g. Ionian.,, that they might bee fant`Iified throughout in opened. their foulea,bodies,and fpirit,: by fpirit underltand- ing the fame thing that in the other place to the Ro . mane:, the belt and choifeff of both the parts, both foul and body Here is the maine deft& ofthe Tern porary. Though hee may feeme to bee renewed in his minde,yet not in the fpirit of hitminde: to be fan - ttified in foule and body, yet not in the fpirit and quinteff nce of both. He referves that for fome fin or other, which is clofly harbored and nourifhed there. Like as the thorns have as it were the beff fpirits of the ground, and do drink up the very cream and flower theroffo that the fruit comes tonothing,being robbed ofit nourifhment by the thorns.Not but that there may be and aremany fecret corruptions in the K 2 truly.