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138 Non duGitaret fifrere fÌ cum a' I paucioriéus fu- r crent,nunc., fa. nitatis patroci- " niurn eft inani- ü ¡ 1r:.Sen. 3 our own intention. Prov.ló.z 5. i For the AEticns them- felves. 1 Againft the whole Law. I Thoughts are free. Rom.7.7. The deceit fislneffe of Mans heart. on it ? or as though men thould be as filly as fheep to follow whither foever their companions leade them ? For Purely how many things are there done which would argue t he doers, either fpecially f mple, or ragingly fisrious, if they did them alone, or with few companions ? whereas now the multitude of their companions in madnetje , is the onely proofe they have to prove themfelves in their right minds. Thirdly, our own intention and meaning, that if it be good, then fo is the a &ïon alto, which the Scrip- ture refutcth by the example of i'zzah. Thefe are crooked rules,and blinde guides, which blinded and deceived hearts chufe to themfelves. But here that of Solomon is true, There is a wait that feenaeth good in a neanr oron eyes, but the Ores thereof are the trays of death. The deceit of the heart in judging of the aEtions themfelves, is either againfi the whole Law it/gene- ra/1, or in fpeciall againft either Table : All which to name were endlefre. Wee will onely cull out Come of the principal]. Firft,:againft the whole Law, i obferve three more fpeciall deceits. z That thoughtsarefree, that wee (hall not be ac- countable to God for them.Paul himfelfe,though a learned Pharifee , yet was thus deceived in judging of thoughts, not contented to, which are forbid - den in the tenth commandement : I hadsot known (faith he of himfelfe, in hisPharifaifine) that lufi hau been fin unlefe the Las' hadfaid,Thoufkalt not id .p But the grofleneffe of this deceit may eafily ap- peare : for what reafon is there, that the author of treafon