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The deceitfidnefc of MINI heart. 3= "from us, even in the very Catholicke Church. rHm i- rioter c v " Think ye there never were any Catholicks , or dcre en i vi- 'that now there may not be fome , that would kamines:gnare fuffer only for the praife of men ? If there were n efc pct D ho cc not fuch kinde of men , the Apoflle would not nRrs :shave Paid, Though I give my body -to be burned, occu sods, &c. "cud have not charity, I am nothing. There may quìcaubums- be tome therefore that may doe this, rather in the ;gcrrrìæ pare - fa irmity of boafling , than in the fincericy of love,. ¡ dui bee face- So tarre S.Ausf ìn. Wherety it may eafily appeare rent ìaftxtione magic q ;ram di- how ftrant e are the feats and fainings of mans lrttione. deceitfull heart. Juggler; delufions are more eauly efpiable than there of a falle and faining heart, Hence it is that in Scripture bypocrifie is compa- red to ieaven,whieh our eye! cannot diflinguifhfrom dowe by the colour, but only our palate by the tafle. Our hands are more competent Judges for there de- ceivers, than our Bares ; which will Toone be be- witched withtheir goodly and glorious words. But let us begin to handle them but a little, & prelently v e fhall leek fuch roughrreffe, fuch a thornineffe, that we may truly fay , The voice of Jacob, but the hands óf Efau. And thus much briefly for the firfl.branch of this dottrine of the hearts deceitfulineffe. The ufe whereof is twofold. Firfl, to teach us wifdome and warineffe in gi- ving entertainment in our hearts to others ; that we doe notprelently let open the doores to let in all. No,though they be Inch as come commended unto us,with all=thegrace that outward fhewes can lend them. Otherwife, if we be negligent herein as 1,