Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceitfidnellé of nuns heart. and therefore his Faith is naught. ohje . Why then is it laid, Luke 8. 13 , thefe men doe beleeve' if they doe not ? AnJìv. i.The scripture, in many things fpeaketh according to the probable and common judgement of men. Thus the Moon is called one of the two great lights,when indeed it is the leaíl of all. Thus the Divell called samuel,becaufe,in his likenes,and Co thought of srtul.And thus the fancy of the tempo- rary called Faith, becaufe,having Come refemblance of true Faith it goes for true Faith both with him that hach le, and with others. 2. They have indeed true Faith in their kinde, namely, a ioyfull affent to the truth of the Gofpell :but not thejuflif ing faith of the Elea, which they thinkthey have. But you will fay, ¡hew us then the deceit,' of this Faith,that both the true beleever may be delivered frorafalfe feare, a nd the temporary from falfejoy. I anfwer z. The true beleever beleeves with much conflicting, as in him in the Gofpell that cryed Lord, I beleeve, helpe my unbeliefe. The combat was not fo great betwixt Michaeland sathan,concerning Mofes dead body, as it is betwixt Satba); and eve- ry true bele ever, concerning Chrifls living body. WhenFaith goes about to lay hold of it,the Divell triketh at her hands, and would pluck them away from it, Hence Faith is faine co tugge, and wraf'cle, even till it fwcat again. And therefore the Apoftie Pant cals it, the difficult arorke ofFaith; because the beleever bath fuch adoe to bele eve ;not only in re- gard of the oppofition made by the fl íh < full o f infidelity ) which as in all good things, fo fpecially in 73 Luke 8r3. Genelle z; DíCeovered by the markes of true faiths ap- plication.. r. COnliift iA beleeving. Tó .hyav: i, fihef,r,r,