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ï The deceitfsdneffi of mans heart. delights 8c joyes which are felt in hearing the word in prayer,in meditating of the prornifes:for as infe, - ding upon tweet and pleafant meat there is a natss- ral,foa"foin Faiths feeding upon the promïfesthere is a f irituall gladnes : and in this fpirituall food alto that conjuníiion of filling the heart rl'ith food and gladnesis true.Therfore Peter joynes both theta to- gether,Wee beleeve and rejoyoe : now there com f )rt:. and joyes the temporary in Come fort leeks. Chr fI Cayes they receive the word withjoy. Paul Cayes, They tafle of thegoodword ofGod & ofthe powers ofthe life to come. The Jewes are Paid to rejoycein the light of Johns miniftry. Herod is fiid to heare ¡ohn willingly or cheerfully :and hence he concludes faith to him - felfe. But the truth is, there is exceeding much de- ceit in this joy and feeling it : it is not Colid,but only fuperficiary, only a tafle as the ¿lpofile termeth it, no eating to any purpofe; a /ipping, no foaling, no through digeftion; a floating aloft in the River of Chrifls blood, nodiving downe to the bottome, and as it were buying as the Apoflle Cpeaketh, And chi may appeare by four properties of the joy of true faith which do not all agree to the temporaries joy i. Property is fifcerit,,, whereby the beleever re- joyceth is the word, becaule of the word it felfe,& the goodneffe and holineíte thereof, but the delight which the temporary beleever taketh in the word, is rather for the novelty ofthe doetrinedelivered,or for Tome affeûion they carry to the Preacher, for Coyne common and outward gifts, either of 1ife,or i learning, or for bis elocution,aaion, words,phrafes in delivery, or any fuch like refpe6. This was Saint delugstflines 7 And the lignes, his joy and feelings , di`covered by their. Ass. 14. t.Pet.r.9. Matth,t;. Hebr. 6, [ohn 4. Rom. 6,, Vnfound- se[%. ...rowooiii.e.