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The deceitful/m. of mans heart. his Do&rine. Herod took greater delight and con- tentment in Herodias than in rohn,and in the pro - phane damfels dancing, than in the holy Prophets preaching. For among thofe many powerful] Ser- mons which he heard him preach;when was he ever Co affeaed, as to fay, loan ask what thou wilt, and it fhall bee given thee, even to halfi oft he Kingdorne? If the fpirituall joy of the Temporary were full, what need he then to fill it up with this caanal l and fi nfull joy ? He that is fnll, faith S'otomon,loatheth the honey- combe: So he that is full of this Tweet fpirituall joy, loatheth the fweereíc and molt delicious honey- combs of the Heth of the world.But theTemporariei teeth water after them. He is like thole focale, than as they fly aloft, fo alto they fwim in the waters : which as they were uncleane under the Law,foallo is he,for that teeming to mountap in fpiritual j Dyes, he yet withal! fwimmeth, yea, batheth himCelfe in the waters ofcarnal delights.Hence it is that the joy of the Temporary' is but an obfcure and muddy joy : for carnali ¡oyes mixed with fpirituall, are as a dampe to put out their light, and as mud to trouble and dif emper their cleer rivers; whereas the joy of the true beleever,beingfree from fuch diftempe- rature, is farre more cleere and lightfome. 3. True Toy is a firong ioy, according to that in Nehemiah, Thep) of the Lord is our firength : And this flrengthit fheweth fpecial ly in threecafes. z. in ourpafveobedience, in enduring affilftions. Saint Paul given this reafon, why the faithful] are fo unconquerable in their afiftions , Rill by meanes of their patience potfefliag their foules, be catsfe 79 LevAr. Iz, Ig, 3. Fainrnes : and roar, Nehcm. s. lo. I III Our fuf- ferino.