Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

92 The Worlds Leff, and the In the former part there is mentionof the righteous man,!,ereof the merciful man, they are bothone. In thar, heir fait' to perifh, hereto be taken away, they are both the fame. There, Noman isfaid to lay it to heart ; and here is faid to confider it ; both the fame. So that look upon the whole, both parts joyn together : They walk on by pairs two and two, as the livingCreatures into the Ark, Male and Female. r he firft pair fets forth toyou the flate and condition of a godly man, he is Righ- teous and :'Merciful: thofe are the Male and Female of piety. The cond lets forth to you theflare and condition ofa dying man,heperifbeth andis t s/ n away: Thofeare the Male and Female of death. The third lets out the (late andcondition of a worldlyman, helayesit not toheart, be never takes it into conúderation: Thole are the Male and Female of Carnal fecurity. And that all the pairs (hould now be made up : Theformer part was handled at theBurial of a good old Mtn ; , his latter now at the Burial of an old and vertuousGentlewoman : Thole are the Male and Female ofnature. The former part, that is acomplaint that the Prophet made ; and fo it is the fecond ; and thisfecond is fee asa Commentary to the fir(; ; this latter part is as Eve created as a help to fldam, for every word in this latter helps to ex- pound Come word in the former. The fir(: word in the latter part tells us of the merciful man, that is the Expofition of the úr11word in theformerpart, therighteous man. Left any man Ilaould make q teflion who this righteous manwas,that the Prophet fpeaksof, how we fhould know him, and define him,and find him; find me a merciful man,and he is truly a righ- teous man. The fecond word in the latter part is, taken away, that hath reference to the fe- cond word in the former, and it is a qualification of the harihnefs of the former : There it is faid, The righteous manperifheth: But left any man fhonid fcandal at his word, Ihail we think that he perifheth, whoft. life is hid with Chrift in God ? Shall the Scripture fay that heperifheth, wholename is in the bundle oflife, written in Heaven? To lay afide therefore the rigour of the word, here is the Qialihcacion He is taken away. The third wordofthe latterhathreference to the thirdof the formertoo. Namara confidereth ir. If any manask the reafon, how it came to pals, that people fhould be without natural aff:Etion, that they take itnot to heart,that they arenot grieved for lofeph,that they are not firiken withany fenfeof their ownlofits,what (hould be the reafon of it? The realen is in thisword, They take it not into confideration: They trouble not their heads,and therefore not their hearts with it. ( That it may make an agravation oftha-.) Theywere fo far from taking of it to heart, that they never pro- pounded it to theexamination,and fanningof their judgment,They confider it not. So every word in the latter part is ferviceable to the firfl. I the wed concerning the firft part, who this Righteous MO) It, howgreat theIn_ dignation of the Spirit of God is, that he will (tile holy men,ehat arefo imperfe& in hcl nefs, yet becauleof their holy endeavours to walk in the ways of God blamelelly, the Spirit hiles them Righteous men. Secondly, I (hewed how this Righteous man is laid to perifi, : And inwhat fenfe ; and how it is impofïible they (hould perifh; and why the Holy Gholt choofeth this word, which is more thanDeath, to fee out to us the Death of the Righteous man. And then the lair confideration in particular ; how it is lawful to mourn for thede- parture of thofe that are gone; how that God alloweth that, how that Godblameth for the neglelt of is : Men are to lay it to heart, to grieve. How far thisgrief is to extend. Theft were the heads of thofe things that concern thefish part. I nowgo on forward to the fecond. And that is a complaint (as the former was ) that the Prophet takes up over the people of the J.wsfor their great (+upidicy, in that they conyerednot any work of God coward them ; And it hath theft. two parts. The divifon There is the complaint he takes upover the dead : Mercifulmen are taken away ofthe Text. from the evil to come. And