Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The DefiruFlionofthe Careleß. And cnen thirdly , It trail be an inevitable deflruaion, fuch a deflrubtion a, they (hall never avoid. All their wit, friends, power, flrength, wealth, or what- focver elfe ibey have, cannot put off the Liroke of Judgement that Ihall come up- on them : as all the divices a woman bath , cannot make her efcape her travail when it coined). So then the meaning of the words ate, as if the Apoftle (hould have Paid , When wicked and ungoG ly men, in a courfe of fin (hail criepeace es themfelves , and flatter thcmfelves in their rebellious courfes, then (hall afsdden, a painful, an in- evitable defiruition, of all their comfort, ofall their props, and hopes, and helps, fall upon them. In the words, you have twofolddefcription. Firfl of the(late and condition of the men ofthe world, whenehrifi fhallcometo fudgment. He Ihall find all the Worldat refl. As the Angelthat-floodamong the myrtle trees, fpake in t Zach. rt. We have walkedto andfro through the earth: and beholdall the earth fitteth ffill, and is at reg. He (hall find all the menof the World in peace ; everyman applauding hirofelf in fouie vain conceit, in fome hope and confidence or other. They (hall crie peace, Secondly, Here is the confequent that followed) upon the vain flatteeyof them- felves: Then fhall de/ireglion come upon them, And that deflru&ion is farther defcribed and amplified byá comparifon taken from a woman with child, to declare thefuddenneft, the painfulnefs, the tínavoida. blend's of it. Thus you have the opening of the words. Let asnow corne to the points of inftru&ion that may be raifed hence. Iirfl, here you may fee, and he that runs may read it, that, They are moll fecure, that are in leafl fafety, A man is in the greateft danger, when he is in the greateft fecurity. Then a mans Judgement is neare(l, when he leali thinks of it , when he leaf+ fea. reth it. This is the very thing that the Holy Ghoft would haveus to take notice of here; wit that very time, not before that time, they (hall cry peace : Nor after the time when they had done it, and repented of it ; but jufl at the verytime, when they are in the midi} of their fins, applauding oftheir own caste, living under the power and guilt of fin, then comet; the defiruldion topes them , and theyfhall not efcape, Thus far the Text. That we may make the point clear, before we come toprove ir,giveme leave, Eft briefly to cell you what we mean by that fecurity which is upon men even in their chiefeft dangers. Know therefore, that there is a two-fold fecurity , A holy, fpiritual Security. A finful, carnal There is firf+,a holyandfpiritual Security(andthat even in this (late wherein to we are fallen) which confifteth in a mansreconciliation withGod,when heis in terms of peace with him, havingobtained remiflion ofhis fins, and hisfavour through Jefus Chrift; fo that God is pleafed with him in hisSon, bath received him in the Cove. nane of grace, interefled him into all the promifes, and isbecome his God by a Co_ venantfor ever. Nowhirea man maybe fecare, yea, and he mull be fo in a fpiritual manner. Confidence upon the goodnefs of God in Chrift,upon thepromifes of God in the Gofpel, is that whichis requifite in everyChriflian, it is that which God com- manded). Fear not (faith he in oneplace ;) and again, Troflin the Lard. The Scripture is full in a calling for fuch fecurity as this, that men (hould lay afideall thofe carking and diftra&ing cares, when once they are in the Covenant ofGrace, that now they fl:ould mind nothing but duty, and not be troblcd aboutfuccefs. u For 145 It7uavoida. ble. In the trouts a doublede- fctiption. Zach,t. r r. Obfervat. Inilte graateft: fecatìtthe gteateft data. gcl. Adouble fe- Nuity. s. Holy and fpisitaal.