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146 Spiritual Seeù- riry. what. Plat4.8. l(a.tó.ao. ' Iz. Siaful and carnal. Carnal feeuti- yafore-run- ner of judge- ment. Proved. r. Bypartial- -examples of-particular iswfepar; r&nìe r 6;11. Dan.5.3; Luke ez.1s. Iob 11.11. Securiryfìtrprid, or, Fat (my Btcthteü j it it fu.:n a iteurity as makes a man not to negtet duty ; but fuch, as freetha man from thofe difquiets of foul about the event of things. This was that which David had, and rejoyced in i r laid me down in rill and peace, for the Lord keepethmeinfafety. This is that which theLord commanded the people oflfrael to do, Ifa. 26. 20, Come my people, enter thou intothy chamber, and flint thy doors about thee, hide thyfelt, Cc. He would have them fecure then-delves under his protetion, and in his Ordinances.: This is fuch a fecurity, as draweth men nearer toGod, bringeth them to further acquaintancewith God, keepeth them in a confiant communion with God) caufeth them to walk in Gods prefence,&c, This is a good fecurity. But then fccondly,' There is a finful carnal lecuricy s that is , when a man yet living ìna cowrie of fin, he beareth up his fpirit again(} all fear, either of judge- Merits threatned,"ör judgments approaching upon him, under a vain hope of Iknow not ..hat mercy in God : and of I know not what affuraneefrom men, and upon, wòrldl'y conceits and flatteries, either from others, or his own heart. Here is now a finfa! carnal fecurity,not warranted, but condemned in the Word of God. Till's lithe security, that is everan ill progno(ticacor, and fore-runner offame heavy judg- ment , tofall upon that perfon inwhom it is. This is the fecurity that we havenow nchafe. Fitft then, Wewill make it appear, that it is an infallible fign ofGodsJudgment upon a perfon, or a people, to cry peace tothemlelves, to be fecure, and no may trou- bled at their eflate, when God is at warwith them. You (hall fee this in instances and examples. See it inparticular perfon, and inStates and Kingdoms; and you (ball generally find it, that before the defircyi g jud ment came upon them, they have been given up to this fecurity we fpeak of, this cryingofpeace upon a talkground. :See it in Agag, ? Sam.15.13. The 6rtternefl of death a pat% But was it pall -114, at that very 'rime', the bittetnefs of death was u ¡-on him, for the very next; hing that we meet withal in the S:ory is, that Agag washewenin pieces before the Lord in gilgall. Are have Belfdiàzz,ar in Dan5, vhondrous fecure, carrowfino,and quaffing in the holy veldt that were taken out of the Temple ofthe hole of ft/edwhichwas at fe_- reefalem, among? Fit Princes andNobles, his Wives and bit Concubines, as if there 'ould be no changeof his eftate, and tranflation of his Empire. But what? was it fo ? Nay, at that very time, the very fame hour (faith the Text, verfe 5.)cameforth fingers of a mans hand, and wrote upon the plat fler ofthe wall of the Kings-Palace, Mene, Mene,Tekel,Vpbarfin, Thou art laid in the bellance, and art found too thy Kingdom is divided, andgiven to the Medea and Perfsant: and imme- diately, In that very night (verfe30.) was Belfhaztar Kingof the Caldeans(lain ;', he was took away fromall comfort and jollity. See this in the Rich man , Luke 12. r9. Soul,foul, (faith he) take thine eafe, eat, drink, andbe merry : and why fo? was it becaufe his foul indeed was washed in the bloud of Chrift t Nothing lefs. But, take thine cafe, than hullgoods laidup for man years, thou art well provided against a hard Winter, againfe adear year now take thine rap. Well what ofthis ? had his foul anywhit the more cafe ? had he massy years to enjoy that which he had laid up for Many years t Nay, mark the aitiswr -of God (verfe2 o.) Thoufool, shit night thyfoul (hall be taken from thee ; thenivhofe fhalltbofethingsbe, that thenhaflprovided? It is ordinary (as fob notethof worldly men) thus to flatter themfelves They ffrend their daysin wealth, and i» a moinentgodarns to the grave. They fpend their days in wealth ; that is, that they'refólve upon while they live upon earth , they Will be merry, and'enjoy their wealth, and worldly contentments to the height, and want.nothing, but in a moment., whifleft they are in themidlt of thefe thoughts of aifinga happinesstothemfelves out ortheir worldly efface, in the middelt of theft thoughts they go down to the Grave.