Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The, DefäruFfrono f the &req. a a telves wt.o vam conceits of peace, and eon,uwauec or proipcncy, to we look' wed about us. Where is any man that takes occafion by what he hears abroad, or fees at home, to enter into the reformation of his own houle , of his own kart? It may befome men will fay, It is an unjuft tax that you put upon us , we are not fo ftarreas you fpeak of. You a tall fcarce corne to any mans Table, bin-they will be calkingof the judgments abroad. You (half fcarce meera nian in rite fireets, but he wilbkave other oceafions, and tell you how ill it goes with the Church s be- yond the Seas. You fLall fcarce meet with one in the field, but all the cline is cohk up wt. hdifcourfcof the evils at home, or troubles abroad. And is this a fign offe- cueìtt ? Alas (beloved) chis is to be sheep in the' midf+ of the waves. Every man is in ch_ midri ofdanger, andyet is fecure. How -hall that appear ? - t will make it appear by demonftrations and figns, that may convince you be- fore theLord , that we add this to the ref+ of our fins, that in the mideFft 'öf our fins and impenitency, we are fame ; and therefore that def +ruC';on isccming upon us. What are the figns whereby we may be convincedof fecurity ? Iwill give you a few, that by thofe you may fee whether theLand, the City, your Families, your felves, and all benot sheep, and at ref+ this day. The hilf fign (hall be this; When men profit not by the judgements of God. Certainly , it is an evident fign of a deep deep in fin , when neither Signs of fcc rity. 1. Profiting ,wt by tit the afflictions that are upon others, or upon our (elves , -do any good up- Gode nee onus, (elves, or o- Look how God bath fmitten others. Hach that awakened us ? You will fay that diets. it is a lecure child that feeth his brother beaten, for the fame fault before his eyes, and yet goech on in it ; you will fay that that is a fecuremalefa6tor, that fee;h filch a perfon executed before his face, and yet gaeth on in the fame felony and theft. And muff we not fay that we are a fecuregeneration , when we can fee our brethren in other Countries, bow theyhave fuffered , and yet go on in the very fame fins, that weour felves think the hand of God is upon them for ? We can talk éf their fins, of their unrightecufnefs and injuflice, we can talk of their neglehf of the Lords day, and other holy duties, and for there we judge them fmitten of God. How is it then that we are fuck our [elves ? how is it, that we go on in unrighteouf- nets, in prophaning the Lords day, in negle&mg the Houle of God, and our own Families? have they found fuch fweetnels in there fins, that we walk on in the lane ? Is it a plea rant and comfortable thing to be driven from Gods Houfe, and from our ownhoufes, robe a reproach to all the World ? Ifwe think that the hand ofGod is upon them for thefe fins, how is it that we armor awakened ? I remember that Daniel in the fifth Chapter ofhis Prophefie, taxethBel fhazzar for this; though Dan.yi thou klnowefl (faith he) bow the handof God woe upon thyfather, for this,and this, yet thou hall done the like, andhall not humbled thy heart. So may I la), Youhave known what God bath done to your Brethren in other Countries yet you do fill the fame your [elves, for the which they have been punifhed. Is not chis fe- curit) ? Look- likewife upon your felves , and we (hall fee a general negle6i of thofe judg- ments of God, that have beenupon our felves. How bath God fmitten this Land, this City efpecially with thePet} ilence? and maywe not fay, we have been fmitten, and yet have not felt it ? is not this fecurity, and a dead fleep ? God threatnech thole in Jer.31.9. That efcaperl the peflilence, that they (hould fallby the [word , ter. 31, g, by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar ; Why fo.? becaufe theydid not reform,and amend by the pef}ilence. What caufe have we then to fear, left we fall intothe handsof the fword of fome Nebuchadnezzar or ocher, when the pef+ilence bath done nomore good among(} us, when it hath not awakened, and reformed us? Look upon our felves, upon your bodes, upon your dealings, your company, your converfations; feè if there be any reformation, like there was fuch a mortal calamity as drove you from the