Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

17z Thegreat Tribunal, or, Death cometh Judgment: Andit is that thatSolòmonmindeth us ofhere in the words of myText, which he added: as a reafon to that grave advice he gave in theverfe before going. Havingdifcourfed at largeinthis book concerning the vanity ofall earthly things, andthe vexation among thofe things that are under the Sun, he tell- eth us where it isbeft for us to let up our reft , that is, in learning that one leffon, Fear God, and keepbit commandements, for this id the totals ; all that God requireth. That we might the rather be ftirred up tohearken to this counfel , he telleth us, that whetherwe do or no; theday will come that we (hall be called toan account, whenGod will bring every one ofus to judgment, and take a tryal of everywork vve have done, andofeveryfecretthing, whether it begeodes. evil. Dlviflon. In handlingof thefe vvords vve have tvvo things in general that Salesmen fpeaks of. Firft the perfon lodging. Secondly the things lodged Theperfon , lodging, is God: And there I vvillfpeak; Frftof the ludg. And then ofthe lodgment. The things that God bringetb to judgment and tryal, he telleth us firft, every work, every thing, be it never fo fecret. And then a more particular refolution , thofe things that aregood, and thofc things that are evil. God will bring everyworkio judg- ment, andevery fecret thing, whether it begood or evil. The Perfon I begin with the Perfon judging. And here firft of the Judge himfelf. GodJI'ai ¡udging. bring to judgment. God effentially meant, all the Perfons in theGod-head, Father, Son, andholy God. Ghoft, For all concur in this work, being as the School-men fay, Opue ad extra : OperaTrinita It isone of the External worksof the God -head: and it is in e4xiome in Divinity, extra (untindivi(a. that the Externalwot-kJ of the God-bead arenot to bedivided. Otis true , thereare op.ra r>;ni,a certain internal works of theGodhead, that are Paid by theSchools to be divided, ,i,adintrafan' incommunicably proper and peculiar to every Perlon : as it is proper to the pdie>(ons vi/a, ui4Ne Perlon of the Father, incommunicably, to have his being of himfelf. Of the Son inmm- msnicabilit'e to be begotten of the Father. Andit isthe property of the holy Ghoft,incommu- e,op, ia. nicably, to proceed fromboth. But thofe works that they call External ; that is, thofe works bywhich the power andwifdom of the God- head are externally made manifeft to the creature, fuch as creation, prefervation, redemtion : thofeequally and indifferently proceed from all the Perlons : not from one in particular, but from all in General : and this of Judgment is one. For as they all concur in the creatingofus: fo they Ihall in the judgingofus: all of them (hall co-operate toge- ther in the executing ofjuftice andmercy ; Juflice in the damnation ofthe wicked and mercy in the foliationof thegodly. ObjeEl. You will objeft peradventure, that the Scripture feemeth to fpeak otherwife though Judgment here be attributed effentially to God, infomeplaces it is attribu- ted perfonally tothtill ; HeThaljudge the quick and the dead : and therefore of- t : Cot. J.10. teuumes it is called in the Scripture, the lodgment feat ofChrift, z Cor. 5. rd. Again fometimcs this work of Judging is appropriated to the Saints: Knowyet :Cot s, a. not that the Saints ¡halljudg the world? r Cor. 6. z. andby and by again , Knomyou not that we 'hall judg the e/Inge's? verf;. How (hall we reconcile theft, when it is faid, Chriftand the Saints thall judge i flnfw. I anlwer ; This threefold doubt is reconciled by a threefold diftin&ion. God is laid to judge, ifwe refpe& the Authority of Jurifdi&ion, Chrift is faid tojudge, ifwe relpeft the Promulgation of the fentence. The Saints are faid to judge, ifwe refpe(:l the Approbation. The power and right are equally given to all threeperlons> but the particular Execution is given to Chrift , the Approbation of what Chrift doth , is afcribed HowChrift is to the Saints. As at our common Courts of Aflizes here, one is let upon the laid tobe the BenchasJudg, and others are joyned in coenmiflion with him, asAcceffories, lady the Judge only pronounceth the fentence, and they that fit in commifon with him, ratifie and approve his fentence that he pronounceth, fo at that day, C(hhrif'Í