Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

T O T H E Chrilfian Reader. ilére is no man that can plead Ignorance to the univerfal De- cree of God concerning the necefi ty Of Mans Mortality It is appointedfor all men once to die and every man can fay as that wife Woman of Te&oah, We are all as waterfpilt upon theground. There isno Age, Eflate, Condition, orrank of Men, but have been foyledwith that in- vincible Champion Death ; who ridingup and down the World upon his pale Hone above thefe five thoufand years,hath with an impartial ftroke laid all flat beforehim.; force in theirInfancyhaveproved what it is todie before they knewwhat it was to live; others in the flrength ofYouth ; fe0hc in their old Age : rich and poor, high and low, ofall forts; youngmen maydie,oldmenmuff die; even thofe that are (tiled Gods ( and that by no fawning Sycophant, but byGodhimfelf) their Mortality proves them to be men to themfelves , though they be as Gods to o- thers : and as CpiEletus once told the Emperor,' That to beborn, and to die, wascommon bothtoPrinceand Beggar. The fickneifesand rniferies of this World have made the proudeft Painims to confefswithSt. Peter to Cornelius, Evenlmyfell alfo am a mortal man : So that experience ( as Az well