Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.A1 F37 1657

rreatife ofthe ..diedions: inftruments to provókemeths affekions fornwvhat the more. And truly we are bound to make contciencc thereof, thatour veryvoyce may be acomment upon our matter;'twas apretty ftory ofIemofthenes ; when one told him Plutarch in that he was beaten and mifuied exceedinglyby fuch a companion. It kerns Demoftbenc' he told irto by rate as we fay,fhewingno affectionat all in his telling. Why fyes Demofthenes;hath hebeaten thee?I donot beleive he bath beaten thee. Notfayes the man. He wasmuch troubled to hear hitsdeny it, andfo he fpake angerly and in achatc,I am finehe beat me,thus hedid,and thus he did,84 do you not call this beating?now I believe faiesDemofthene, ;I believe nÖWhe hathbeating thee indeed,now I hear thevoyceof a man thatwaabea- ten.So ifwe fhoulddreamingly utter our voice,atrd reprove our hearers,they [carte beleeve they arc reproyed,becaufe they do not hear thevoyceofa re- prover. Let us deliver tiles of terror to thern,theyhardly beleeveany terror in it,becaufe they doe not hear the voyceoftcrror.Buc-when Minifter i fe&edaright, and his affections direst the carriageofthe .` cealón voice it folte does more fignificantly expreffe thematter:an ' is noqt is very moving. "But then let me tell you, if thisbeit ye look for, and ifyec be c `}Ting aMinifter for the waneof this, what theLord accomprs of ,:, , fe as abrand upon the wicked /ewes that they were affe&ed wit the 'rophee Ezekiels pleaftnt voyce,when they were affe :red with little elk;Eze/¿,33. 3ti,. even a rare and a worthy t MoJ s may be defe&ive inthis cafe,and wo is the people that findeth fault. But however be the voyce ofa godly Minifter never'f:í meane,ÿec there will be everCome hiddengrace in it,wherebymore òc lcffe, it appearsunto the co: fciei ces ofthem that have ears to hear. This is the fourth thing wherebyaMinilter may ftir upaffections by thedue cari= ageof his voyce. Fifthly, I might adde by adecent etc on. For mypart, I have little reaton lñ eee rc toname it, but verily it is a blefing ofChrift to them that have ic, for they have a great advantageover the affe&ions of their hearers.Cicero laies fame were efteemed vir; dìfert;,cloquent, and movingmen,but for want of action . they could not put their gifts inpracttfe,habttifunr infantes,they were eftee- med i Cants in this profefiìon,iayes he. A&ion wefee it much employed in the Preaching ofthe Prophetsand theholy men of God.EzechielWas corn- manded to Clamp with the feet. Ifaiah commanded to goo naked. Jeremiah commanded Wpm ayokeon his necke. Iohn Baptafl wasrotas vox. He was all- voyce ; The voyce ofa cryer snthewilderneffe, Math. 3.3, his eyes fpake, and his face fpake, his hands fpake, and his body fpake, yea his life, and dyer, and all fpaké,hewas all-voyce TheProphets f}retched forth their handsto thepeople in fulnefs ofaffe&oin. Ihavefpread forthmy hands all theday untoa rebellionspeople, l fa.6 5.z!S.Paulfer his eyes uponElymas the forcerer.4ct.t3,0 Ofull ofall fubtilty, andall mifchief ; thouchild of the Divell, thou enemy ofall righteoufneffe, wilt thounot ceafe topervert the right waies of the. Lord ? the Lordshand is upon thee, and thou(halt be blind, &c. Its counted a grand finne in old Eli, that he did not frowneon his tonnes, i. Sam. 3. t3. whydoes the Text expreffe Elies not feverely threatninghis fonnes, by this a&ion Of frowning ? but onely becaufe they that doe feverely threaten, do ufe to frowne. Thus ye fee how that Gods Minifters have ufed a&ion t©` move affections. H3 The