Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.A1 F37 1657

rreatije o/ the Aledion.r. And therefor S.Peter calls falling into earthly affe&ions,hecalls it,intangling Ifafter they have efcapedthepotlntions ofthefiefh they are again intangled,2 Pct,2, 3 oyThat is, if"afm theyhave ence gotten out they fall inagainbecaufe they cannot fall in againbut their:lufttand affe&ions will intangle them again. Be not i,:targledagain With theyole ofbòhdage,ÇÇal. S. i.Paul knew if the Gala- thians were addiacd to the ceremóntes of the Law, they would affec} thenmore, then the Commandements ofChrif}. And therefore hie gives them advife no further to ufe ;.therla, betaute their hearts would be in- tangled ifthey did: no coati -that WArreth,. intangleth himfelfc with the af_ fairsof thislife 2 Tim. z, 4,_ A fouldier had not need to have a new mar- ried wife or a new-borne childe, or a new- purchafed ground , a new- planted vineyard, a new fuit.at law in the Chancery : alas, thenhis af- fè&ions would beagadding, when. he fhoúld. be fighting, O my wife at home, andOmy childe at home,and I would I might taf}e of my vine- yard at home, and O that I could followmy caufe in the Court ; this were to'k tangle hir:iarwarre, he couldnot fight valiantly. Thus the affeaions doe intangle aman. So ifthineaffe&ions be earthy, theywill intangle thee, thoti cant} not e free for the feeking of heaven, or of Chrif}; thiae. af- feaións are fo complicated and .hampred, thou canft be in no place, in no eftate nor condition, but fome affections or other will intangle thee. Thou lovef} thy land and thy living, and thy things in the world ; Ohow are thine affections intangled, what cafe foever thou art in ? thine affections lye checker-wifeand will have thee,. If thou beeft rich, the affections ofplea fore, or delight, or fecuricy, there they will have thee. If thou beeft poore, . the affe&ions ofdefire and difcontent ; this thoudefrei} and that that thou wouldef} faire have ; there thy with ings, and wouldings, and catkins will have thee. Ifthou beef} croffed, or troubled, or affil&ed, the afie&ions of griefe, and offorrorg, and of melancholy, thefe there wil have thee. If thou beef} injured ,abufed or provoked, which fais out very often, the affe&ions of anger andrevenge, chele thenwill have thee.Ifthoubeeft indanger of ficknefs ordiftreffe, or loflè of this or that, the affe&ions offear and the like, they lie in ambufh tocatch thee.lf thou comet} to the \Vord,and there thou art told thou art a damned man as long as thou livef} as thou do_it, the affections of vaine hopings and millings, they lie in fcout for to take thee : thus thou art entangled, when thineaf}e&ionsare earthy, in what cafe foever thouart in, they intangle thee. Sometimes thou art merryand jocant for a pang, anon thou art melancholy and fad for a fit, Sometimes thou art angry with a fervant, or a childe, or a wife, ora neighbour, anon thou art plea- fed. Sometime a danger comes and fears thee, anon it is gone, and;thou art fecure.Sometimes one affeaion,fometimes another.Sometimes a hating and fometimes loving; fometimes defiring, and fometimes hoping. Thus thou livef},and thus thoudief},and perifheff for ever through intanglements. The third head is taken from the degree the affe .ons are in , in regard ofother assof thefoule. Andhere is a fubdìvifion of heads. The firft is, the afe&ions provoke thoughts; and therefore if the afle&i ons beearthy, the thoughts are all earthy, Secondly, The affe&ions increafe luffs and therefore if the affections be carnali, the lulls are all carnal. The a3ffefi;ons Thirdly, the affections infer purpofes and reiolutions, and therefore if the are ina high affections beto the things of this life, the purpofes and refolutions of the degree in re. heart are fo too. gardof the as Fourthly, the affections inferr deviuings and contrivings , and of the joule therefore if the affections be vain,fo are the devices. From all which thou mayeft fee the infinite miferie thou arc in, if diine affections be fer here below. Firft, becaufe if chine affections be let here below, fo are