Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

the greateff Self-murder. 7 Pharaoh he hardned be, heart, Exod.9 34. what followes? He would not let the children rfjf'ael goe : thy will nots thefe are they that harden thy heart : doeft thou com plaice of the hardneffe of thy heart ? O goe and humble thy fou le for thy will nots, thefe are the hardneffe of thy heart, nay let nie tell thee, thou hail no hardneffe of bears, no more then an infant ora babe, but onely that which toy will not, have made thee, and therefore thou haft great reafon to be humbled for thy will pots. Thirdly , here lies efpecially the flubbornne f e of the heart ; when a child that is commanded by his Parent to obey flickes at* cannot, he obeyes as farre as he can, but onely he flicks at a cannot, he is not ftubborne;flub- bornnej is but when one f itcltes at a will not ; if a man have a (iubborne forme which will not obey the voice of his Fa- ther, Deut.2 1.18. fo here lies efpecially the flubbornneffe of thy heart, and therefore here's molt humiliation re- quired. Fourthly , here lies the greateft defpiftngs oftbe Cem- mandements ofGod: authority is never fo much defpifed as when men will not fubmit to it : a father's defpifed when a Tonne will not heare him ; and a ma ffcr', defpifed when his fervant wilt not doe as he bids him ; nay com. mandment cannot be do f ifedbut by will note, it may be omit- ted, and not obeyed by cannot,, but it cannot be defpifed but by will nots; if ye fhall defpifimy ftatates, fo that ye will not doe all my Commandement,, &c. Levit.16.1 5- 0 what infinite reafon haft thou to be humbled , that defpifeft the Lord? He cannot endure that men fhould delpilè him ; be can put up any other wrong rather then this, that men fhoulddefpie him: but to be fleighted and dei- piled he will not, cannot endure it. For three tranfgreffions ofJudah, andfor feure I will not turne away the poeni foment thereof,becaufe they bave de ff ifed the law of the Lord, Amos 2.4.he will not turne away the punishment of this finne, when men doe defpife him; what infinite neede then haft thou to be humbled under thy will not , thou defpife fi the commandment. M 2 Here's