A freatife of Confcience. I 47 ícience that made David fay, I will never forget thy Precepts : that is, I will never omit any opportunity to remember them to do them. It was a watchful confcience that made Paul fay, I became all things to all men, that by all means 1 might fave Tome; that is, by taking all opportunities and advantages to do good. It was a watchful confcience that made Peter fay ; I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance oftheje things; that is, I will neglect no opportunity. Again, a watchful confcience taketh notice of every motion and inclination to evil : it is a- wake to fee when evil is conceived ; to tell us of it, to oppofe it and to diffwade us from it : like a watchman on the top of a tower, always awake to fee when any danger approacheth. It is Gods minifler with eyes on every fide, to efpie leafons of good, and ítir up to make ufe of them ; and of evil, and give warning to avoid them. a. As a faithful confcience is watchful, fo it is rigid and fe- vere. In every caufe it delivereth its judgment : nothing can efcape its fenrence : it will not favour our lulls in any particular. If there be any opportunity of duty to God or man, it maketh us to hear of it ; though it be fuch a duty as none other will call upon us for, or it may be dare not put us in mind of ; as of love, and care, and help towards inferiours ; yet confcience will: It titheth mint and cumine, and will tell us of the lealtduty. And fo on the other fide, it will not (wallow the lealt finne. As it will not (Wallow a Camel, fo it willftraine at a gnat. A faithful confcience is faithful in the leafl, If David finne but in the lap of a garment, confcience fmiteth him for it. It made Abraham fo precife to a thread or a (hoe - latchet ; he would not take fo much as that of the king of Sodom. It made Mofes ftria to a very hoof : ;t made 7) aul find fault with the Corinthians a- bout their haire : It made eifuguffinecondemn hirnfelf for an. apple. 3. As a faithful confcience is watchful and fevere, fo alto it is importunate in all its counfels. It doth not only deliver its judgement, but doth with importunity urge the following of its counfel. It will have no nay, but will be obeyed. It lead- eth Pîal. 119 39 IC or.9, zr z Pet, L. I Z. t. It is fevere. Luke 16. to. 3.15 is im- dortunate