Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

200 Vid. Ezek, 43a4 &c, A Treatife of the Af f'eaiosas. cornett not to be reproved and amended by the Word, but thou cornea to have force knowledge, and force pretty fen - tence to talk on, or force fine Rory or paffage to fpeak on : As I live, faith the Lord, I will anfwer thee according to thy thoughts : may be thou cornea that thou maya (crape up force hopes to have mercy, and heaven at the Taft ; may be thoú comeft to fnatch up force fentence or other that may fecure up thy confcience : if there be ever a paffage of mercy, that thou wouldefb fain have ; As I live, faith the Lord, I will anfwer thee according to thy thoughts, and l thine own vain heart : that which thou cameft for in the Word, as I live faith the Lord, thou (halt have it. Thou dolt not come to learn how to be holy and be ¡briefer then thou art, but though thou beet no ftric'er then thou art already, yet to have force hopes to be faxed for all that, FI ACI S.