Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The grofeff Self murder. 27 The fecondGround. THe fecond now follows.Every Wicked man is flothfull and negligent. Thou evil( and flothfull fervant, (ayes Quilt, Mat.a5.26. Thou haft been lazy with the Talent I gave thee. I gave thee preachingand teaching, and thou hat: been lazy to heare it. I have given thee knowledge of that which is good, and thou haft been lazy to improve it. I have pulled thee to Prayer by the motion of my Spirit, and thou haft been lazy at the duty. Thouevill andflothfull fervant, I have given thee many a fweet opportunity to be rídd of that bale lull that thou art moll addicted unto, and thou haft been lazy to take it. This is another ground of this doctrine. Now if this be fo, thou muff lay the blame on thy owne will, and not on Gods denying thee power Becaufe (loth is a fault of the will. I cannot call him a fluggard that 'ticks at a cannot, but only him that Ricks at a will not. He that labours and ftrives as much as he can, none will call him a fluggard; but him that can labour more, and willnot. Sloth is a voluntary fault of the will ; How long wilt thou fleep, D fluggard? Prov.6.9. How long Wilt thou ? its not a fault of impotency, but of will. Five Demonflrations to prove this. Firft, if thou be flothfull to good duties, then thou doff only imagine a company of cannot!. I cannot do as I would, fayeft thou. No, why then art thou flothfull, to make more imaginary cannot!? A flothfull man ima- gines more cannots then there be. I cannot go this jour- ney, (ayes he, I (hall be weary, I (hall be rob'd, I (hall fall off my horfe ; I cannot travel! it ; the way of a foth- full man is et hedge ofThornes : But the way of the righ- teson is made , plaine, (ayes Solomon: The flothfull man t `Demon. F 2 he