Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Thegroff'eft Self - murder. 47 the means of grace and falsation : Endeavour to by him : prayings, feekings, &c. thefe and-other means of falvation ate his walke, thefe are the wayes wherein they muff wait to find God, if they would have him ; In the way of thy judgments have we maited for thee: Ifa. 26.8. There the godly wait for the Lord, in the way where his walke is ; he will not be fpoken with, but. only there in his walke. If thou wiltn of feeke him there, thou mayft thank thine own will, if thou miffeff him ; ye that are negligent to hold out in Gods wayes, ye can, never look to find mercy while ye live. Pray for mer- cy,and cry for mercy,and grone for mercy,ye muff look to perifh without it, if ye twill not feek it in his'wayes ; you'1 Peek him in fume, but you will not leek him in all ; affure your felves,then you íhalmifs ofhim.Doyou think the King will come to you, to grant your petitions ? you muff go up to him, and take him where he is to be fpoken with. God will not be fpoken with but only in his wayes; the Jews received Sacraments enough,every meals meat is as a new Sacrament in the W ilderneffe : af- terwards they prayed prayers enough ; but I will not heare you, Cayes God. Never tell me of your feeking for mercy ; YYafh you, make you clean, put away from Ifa.1.18, you the evill of your doing, learnt to do well ; come now and lets reafon together ; if your_flaws be as red as Scar- let , l'le whiten them. Now heel be fpoken with, if you will come hither. What, not eretì his feare up in thy family ? not give over thy bafe carnali conforts? keep filch diforders under thy roofe, and in thy life ? fwear í61l ? and give place to the Divell /lilt ? curled paffions í}t11 ? mock at my children fill ? Doff thou walke in thefe wayes, and hope to find good ? No ; as good cut off a doggs neck , as give him facrifice of prayers , as long as you walke in your own wayes : Efay 66. 3. You muff leek him in the wayes that he walkes in ; and not . chufe your own wayes ; hee'le never come out of his way for . any Note.