Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

the greatefi Self murder. 49 will exempt none, we mutt all be brought to an accompt for thele'things ; will not thy heart bow to it ? As I live faith the Lord ; l'le make every knee bow to it; I'le make you bow or Ile breake you for ever; as good doe it as not , for ye (hall give an accornpt whether ye have done it or no. Fourthly, beloved, God mill not fit up another dare into Heaven for any man in the World; either come in at this or you (hall never come in. He'le never make another Bible; either be rulcdby this or by none; He'le never chalke out another way, either goe this way or chufe and perish in thy n ilfulnef?e.The drunkards way (hall never be his way; the worldlings way (hall never be his, nor the lazy Gos- pellers his,nor the careleffe profeffors his, hee'le never change wayes,nor are my wa }es your wayer,Efay,5 5. S.you muff amend your wayes. Ier.7.3. and come into his way, or yee (hall never efcape the evill to come ; can there be any reafonabler way then this? Prooferr. Fig (I,Same.ftbe wanes that God barb appointedyou may doe them without labour,y ou may doe them with eafe;doe but fay I will, and it is done. What labour is it to fay, company keepers (hall not fit drinking in my houle ? There is here an Alehoufe in your Towne, but if they will, may roote out diforders from their houles, their own wills doe destroy them ; Its no labour in the World to doe this, and will ye not doe it ? perifb then and thank! your own wills. Secondly,Some ofthe meaner that God bath appointed,are e;fter then them; onely that you would give way to ano- ther to doe them ; may be the wife would have prayers in the family if the husband would give way. TheMini- flee would teach Ou if you would give way ; The Lord Jefus might worke many things in you, if you would gibe way; this a leffe then t. will. You that have good Wives, who would reforme fundry things if you would giveway, &c. 1 befeech you apply fy it particularly to your r