Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

thegreateffi Self murder. St Is from .heir refolutions they purpofe, but whether 4 objeff. they will or rto, they are feine to breake their good pun- poles. Is from their good endeavours (as they fay) they la. 3 objeet. boar againff their fnnes, and yet they are tranfportcd into them, to firesre before they are atrare, to be overtaken in company, &c. We will anfwer them in order. obje &. As to the firtt Objet5ion from the Scriptures, which anfwered. fay they cannot, I anfwer. There are five Indeed the Scripture ea es of five Canaots. Canners . p k f Scripture. Firff, Ofa natural! cannot; every man is borne by na it Cannot. tore under a cannot believe, and a cannot fee God. But there is difference betweene thy cannot repent, and thy doch not repent; there is difference 'twixt thefe two. The caufe oftby cannot if one thing and the caufe ofthy doefi not is another. The cattle of thy cannot is the carnalnef fe of nature, but the caufe of thy doefl not is the reilfrdnefJe of rby will. l'be naturall man receiveth not the things r f the Spi rit of God, for tbey are fooli fbneff'e to him ; neither indeed can be,for they are fJiiritualty difcerned, 1 Cor.z. 14. where the Apoftle makes a different cattle of a naturali mans cannot,and his does not; when he fpeakes of his cannot, he tells us the caufe of that is, becaufe grace is fpirituall and he is carnali. Neither indeed can be, becaufe they are fpiritually difcerned; but when he fpeakes of his does net, you fee he alledges a different caufe of his does net. The naturallman does not receive the things of the fpirit of Gad, they arefoolifhnefle unto him; He counts them all too, li{h ; H: is fo wi.'fìoll in his own carnali reafon , that he counts it folly to deny it; thou can& not do thus and thus doff thou fay ? Why then wilt you count it folly to doe fo? when a man croffes thee of thy will, thou countett it folly to-put it up ; I were a foole if I fhould i be fo precife as force be ; I were a foole if I fhould not (offer a little diforder in my houle, as long as I gaine by I 2 it.____ _..