Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Lazy velleities na, will. Note. Wilfnrll Ivsepexitency darknelic ? C;brifi and Bella!, 2 Cor.6.i5. Its a contra - diaion to imagine to couple them, for they cannot pof- fibly be coupled.And therefore this fame copulative will is nothing, but a mockery, and the truth f1í11 is this thou wilt not ? Thirdly, May be thou hall a moulding nil!, this is no trill, but onely a velleity ; fo thou haft a woulding will. I would doe as well as any other but I cannot ; to fpeake properly this is no tvil_l, for its onely that will where. with fides will things impr.ffible ;I would I were at Lon- don, with a wi fb fayes he ; I would I could flie as well as an Eagle. Thefe things are in-poiiìble, and therefore its no will, but mecre folly;thus may be thou willeft grace, I would with all my heart I could doe as God fayes, God knower my heart, my will is good , I would be better then I am ; And yet thy confcience can call for fome- thing or other to be mended, and thou wilt not. This is an impoffibiiity, and therefore no will ; like the Poole that would fit in his chaire, and I would I were at Lon - don, he would faine be at London and fit Hill. So thou fit. tele at the fame paffe , I trould l were in Cbrifi ; thou wouldit faine be in 1 brill , andyet thou art loth to flir out ofthat bafe temper thou art in. This is an impofli bility , a folly and no will ; moulding and no willing. I grant the Saints of God have their wouldings,and their would does goe further then their will : their will is ab- folutelo fet to be boy, and they would be holy. Their will is d eply to be humbled, and they would be deeper;their mould is grounded upon a will , they will in Come meafure and they would goe further. I will, oh that I could will more. But thou that lieft in thy finfull ellate, thy wcu'd is pure folly. A would grounded upon a will not is foppilh ; the Saints would is grounded upon a will; but thine, the root at bottonee is ibis thou wilt not. Fourthly,may be thou haft a generali metaphyficall will, but to come to particulars, there thou wilt not. I hate the Saints ofGod? God forbid ?Ile never hate themwhile I live