Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

96 TheMaiei Vpon the M.undap after coitningtoiudáement. Zactl. r4. is his moll holy andvnfpotted Humanitie.Thofe flaming Torches ofhis eyes betoken, That allthings both great and fmall Thal belaid open tohis fight,there !hall not be anyfine fo fecret, nor any fault foburiedwider ground, which fhall notappeare at that generali Triall ; that beeingthen to be verifiedof euery Sin- ner, which God !aidto Dauidtouchinghis murder and adulterie ; Tbou haft done itfcretly, but 1will doe itin thefight oftheSunne. The two edged Sword fignifies the fineneffe and fharpeneffeof the Iudges proceeding, and that he is abletocur in funder themarrowand bones of aSinner;and like a Razormeet with the leaft hake of euill that !hall fhew it felfe. His Rod of Yron fhewes the firmeneffe and conftancie of his Iudgment,which !hall not, like thofe white Wandswhich the Iudges bare before, bewrefted thisway andthat way at pleafure. Thofe many Diadems onhis head, intimate thofe Crownesthat he !hail clap ontheheadsof the Righteous and thofe that hauedone well. That glorious Letter ofRex Be- gum, becaufe he fhal therePhewhimfelfe tobeKingof Kings,&Lord ofLords, many Kings of the earth !hall haue theirknees fmitten like Balthazar: and their hearts throb within them, when they ftandbeforehis prefence expeEting their fearefull doome. Laflly,hee fhall come accompaniedwith manyHorfemen on whiteHodes, to Thew vntovs , that hee fhall bee waited on byall the Court of Heauen. Salomon faith , Triafunt qua bentgradiuntur,yuartum guodfalicitei ince- dit ;Threecreatures homeagoodly kindofgate, the Sheepe,theLyon,and the Cake ;but aKing, whomnonecan refit, carries nioreRate withhim than them all. Saint Gregorie typifieth this prouerbeto our Sauiour Chrill, who did gallantlybeare himfelfe in foure of his moft famous myfteries. Firft, In that of his Redemption,reprefented in the (beepwhich is made rea- die for theSacrifice. Secondly, In his Refurrettion, figured in the Lyon , Fiat Leo deTribeo ruda. WhereuntoSaint Bauldothattributeour juftification, Refurrexitpropter juftifca. tianem noflram. Thirdly,Inhis preachingof the Gofpell,fitly expreffed in the Cocke, who with his crowingandclapping ofhis wings, awakeneththofe thatare afleepe in finne. But his comming to judgement,which isdeciphered vnto vs in his beeing a King, doth farceexceed all the reft : Formany were not bettered by his Death, norhis Refurreétion, norhis Doftrine,(though thefewere moil pretious Trea luresproffered toMankind) becaufe that Age wherein Chrifi camewas an Age of contradiótion; but in this his comming to judgement that prophecie ofZa- charie !hall be fulfilled, Andtherefhallbee one Lord otter allthe earth, and hie name (hallbe one. Tillthen, this King!hall goe by littleand little, ouercomming and fubduing his enemies ; butwhen he (hall come inhisglorie,then (hail wee fee a moftllately triumph,and aquiet andpeaceable poffefiion:andthat Stone which Danieltaw loofed and vnfafined from the Mountaine,fhallthen ceafe to pound andbeat into ponder all the Empires and Seigniories of the earth ;Thom fhalt breake them like aPottersYel!. In aword,in this world, whilewee hue heere, God isnot abfolutely obeyed, norferuedby vsas he fhouldbee, no, not of the Iuft themfelues, and thofe that are the Elea children of God. So doth Saint c tuffendeclare thatplace ofthe Canticles, Exai me tunica mea, guomoda induar illa ?Lauipedes meos,guomodoin uinabo ides? Ihaaepat ofmycoat,Hawjhal !put it an ? 1hauewafhedmyfeet, Howfhallldeftle them ? How isthistobe borne withal!, how is this tobefuffered (faiththis facrédDoettor) that the Spoufe fhould vie this liberrie with her heftBeloued r Whereuntohe anfwereth,That the tuftdo not