Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

All iudgement deferred the firft Sunday inLent. unto Chria, and why. Serm. G. 91 nocerotis, faith Deutronomie : The Vnicorne is the mildeft & thepatienteft beaft that is,and it is longere hewill be prouoked toanger ; but if he once grow hot andangrie,there is no creature more fierce and fùrious than he is:Ex tarditatefe- rocior,as Pierituvfeth it, bywayofadage. Saint Aaflencolletethhence another conuenience : Euerie iudgement(faith he) requireth two efpeciall and important things : Theone,That the Iudge feare not the face of theMightie. The other,That he hide not hisface from him thatis brought before him. For thefirft, The Scripture hath it euerie where , Regard not the countenance of the Mightie. For thefecond, fobpondering theperditionof acertain Prouince, faith, That the Iudges thereof would notfuffer themfelues to be feen ;Theearth isgiuenint9 the hands of the Wicked; he couereth thefaces ofthe fudges. Andthere- fore God will not be feene by the damned ; for by their verie fèeing him, they fhould be freed from their punifhment : and therefore in this refpe t it was fit that Chriftfhould come to iudge the worldas Man. InMaieflate fua, Inhis Ma;eflie. The Interlinearie hath it, InDiuinitate ; Saint Chryfffome, In Gloria ; Saint Luke, In cMaieffatefua, inPatris, fantiorumAge lorum. Whereit is noted by Saint Ambrofe, That his Maieftie was greater than that ofhis father; uia Patriinferior,videri nonpoterat: For inwhat place foeuer theFather fhouldbe,it couldnot bee prefumed that heefhould be leffe thanhis Son; but ofhis Son it might perhaps haue bin prefumed otherwife: into which errour Arritu did afterwardsfall. InMaieffatefua,erc.0ur words here want weight,and ourweake apprehenfron, matter andforme worthiefo great aMaieftie.InaPrince,a Lord,and ina Iudge, is neceffarilyrequired akind of prefenceand authoritie beyond other ordinarie men. Efay reportethofhisPeople, That Peeing a manofagoodlyprefence,and well clad,they faid vnto him, Thouhaft rayanent, be our Prince. Nor isthis onely neceffarie,but that his greatneffeand his Maieftie beeeuerie way anfwerable to thelargeneffe ofhis Commiflion and Iurifdiftion. And therefore ourSauiour Chrift being then to thew himfelfeaKingofKings,andaLord ofLords,and an vniuerfall Iudge ouer all perfons, andouer all caufesfine the firft beginning of theworld, to theend thereof,his Maieftiemuft needsbe incomparable. Firft, In refpe&ofhis perfon,whofefplendorand brightneflè (hall eclipfe and darken allthe lights of theWorld. At this hiscomming, his glorie at the firft (Imeanofhis foule)was referued and hid,fo that therein they might not fee the fearefulneffeoftheirpunifhment : butin his comming to Iudgement thelight of hisbodie (hallbe fo fhining,and fo extreamelybright, thatthe Sunne incompa- rifonof it (hall feeme as acandle.Saint Ambrofe calleththeSunne,rhe Grace of Nature, the Ioyof the World, thePrince of the Planets , the bright Lanterne of theWorld, theFountaineof Life, theImage of God, whom forit's beautie fomanyNations adoredas aGod : But inthat day,the Sunne, and the Moon it's Vicegerent,whomthey call the QueeneofHeauen,fhall be like vnto thofe lights ofthe Sheepheards,which arehardly tobedifcerned afarreoffSaint Mhomade in his Apocalypt adefcription of this Maieftie andbeautie ; hee faw the Heauen opened,and thataHorfemancameforth,riding on awhite Horfe ; from hiseyes flamed forth two Torches offire ; fromhis mouth ifi'ued a two edged Sword ; in his hand he had aRod ofYron ; on his head manyCrowns; andon his thigh aLetter,whichbeeingread fpakethus, The KingofKings, and LordofLords : Great ArmiesofHorfemendidattendhim, allon white Hodes. This is a fi- gureand Typeofour SattiourChriíts commingtoIudgement. Thewhite horfe is Twoproper- ties ofa Iudge. Io6.9.v.a4. Luke 9.v.26. Themaieltie ofChrift at hiscomming toiudgerat.