Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Man mußknow . .. Vpon. /' thwednefday. - himfelfe. kindof feare whenDeath lookeshim in the face. And therefore death is ter- med pale,becaufeitmakes the molt valiantto change colour. lobpainting forth fuchakind offoule-leffe man, faith, ,RLiu argues coram ee'roiäeius, i. Whofhallbee ableto contrail this man, that neither feares the Law, nor hisKing, nor his God:' Thebeft remedie is,to carrie him to the Sepultures of thedead Et in congerie mortuorü euigitabit, i. Hepallbebrought to thegraues,andmade toawake ;and if the lookingvpon that fadfpeítacle will not worke him, there is little hope ofgood tobe done vpon him. Now,the Churchfeeing that true death kills aman and that that which reprefents it giueth life,like vnto the brazen Serpent,which be- ingbeholdenand lookt vpon, gaue life to thofe which hadbeene wounded by thofe trueSerpents : it cannot be too ofteninculcated,Memente,.c: Thofe that entred triumphantly into Rome had a thoufand occafions giuen themto incite them topride,arrogancie, andvanitie ;as their great number of Captiucs, their Troupes of Horfe, their Chariots drawee with Elephants or Lyons,and Ladieslookingvponthem from theirwindowes, and the like. But the Senat confdringthegreat dangerof the Triumpher,ordred one to fit by his fide towhifper this fail in his eare,Hominemmemento te,i. Remember thyfelfto bea man. ThePrincesofthe earth haue many motiues tomake them forget them- felues,not regarding thecomplaints ofthepooreandneedle;yet, ' ullusex re- gibus aliudhabuit natiuitatis initium,i.No Kinghackeranyother beginningofbirth : Theyareas othermen, Terrigeneerftlj hominum,i.Theof- fßringof the earth, and thechildrenofinea.And to them alfo it islaid, Terra es,Earth thoa art,&c.. ' Thethird attributegiuen tothenameofman is Excellencie andDignirie,Pa- ciamas hominemadimaginemdrftmilitudinem nóflram, i. Let vsmakemanafter our ownefimilitudeand likenff . Vpon this point feeGregor. Ni /üomde opifc. Home cap: r6.Tho. I.p. But mandidfall from this heigthofhappineffe, andbeing loft throughfinne,God feeks to reftore him, bÿputting him in mind, Putoises ,D oft thou art,&c. Laffly,I wouldhaueyou to note,that the wordMemento loth implieaconti- nuall remembrance,and adeepemediration,that itmay ftirrevpfire invs: accor- dingto that ofDauid, In meditation met; exardefcet ignis, i. Afirewaxedhot in my heart while twat muftng. Meditation is likegunpouder, whichina mans hand is duff andearth,but ifyouputfire thereunto it will ouerehrowTowers,walls,and whole Cities : a light remembrance,and a:fhortmeditation ofwhat thouart, is like thatduff which thewind fcattereth away ; but a quicke liuely memorie, and inflamed confiderations ofourown wretched elates, will blowvpthe tow- ersofour pride,caft downe thewallsofour rebelliousnatures, and mine thefe Cities ofclay wherein we dwell. As the Phoenix fannowing a fire with her wings,is renewedagainby her owne lilies ; fo fhalt thou becomeanewkindof manby reinembring what thouarr. Moteseatingallies into the aire, made the Inchanters and their Inchantmentsvamfh : the afhes fcattered by Daniel put the Kingout ofdoubt,&made it appearevnto him,that that was no Godwhich he ado red : lobcame forth fromhisafhes in bettereftate than hee wasbefore : and as rofeph cameout ofprifonfrom his tatter'd ragges,& hadricher robes put him;s, sapienr.7.v.s. . nfd a ov Med;tarion like gunpou. der. vpon ; foyoufromout there yourafhes fhall be ftriptoftheoldman,&put on thenew. t tementohomo,Rememberman,be. ForgetfulnefTe ofother things may bee good fometimes,but ofthy felfe,andwhat thouart, neuer : this will require a contiuuall csdemento. ThisMemento is the father oftwo good effei s : fi_rff, . it uiooueth man to re- A 3 pentance,