Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

4 Manmel " himdde. VponAfhwednefday, Ecd.3 z. rr. tildethatArt butduft,gui habitant MemoIutem,i.Whedroellin &lifts ofilay : mar rie theymuft,as fearefull ofTheirowne harme,repeat this leffon, memento homo, ternsci, JcJ srnrinber 6man that thouart aarth, á Eccleftafiicres doth aduife thee to rifevp betimes,&not to be the laft,buttoget theehomewithout delay, for there thou(halt find enough todoe ; Pracurre in dotnum tuam,6' agecanceptiones sum. Ieremiecouncells : theeto thefame, fending thee to thishoule ofdunandmud. So muchgood learningis not to begotten inthe fchooles; forin thishoufeofclay,God readsvntovs;but in the fchooles, men. Goddid not fpeakevnto c.fftofstill he had drawne.his fheepe ofde into the Defart ; puttinghis handtwice in hisbofome, theonehe tooke out Beane, the otherleprous. Wehaue twobofomesto take cam ofinthis, life ; the oneofour owne things, the other ofothermens. Butthe meditationofourowne mifety being the moreneceffarie,wernufteuer haue inour mind this'Memento,rc. Amannot knowing himfelfè, cannot knowGod : now for toknow himfelfe, thenext wayis togoe out of himfclfe, and to confider the trace and tracke ofthofeAlexanders andCefars,erc.rbifvtPrincipesgentium,i.WherearethePrin. cesoftheTNgtions? ere. GregorieNazianzenasketh thequeftion, WhyGodhauing created the foule for Heauen,did knititwith fo ftreightaknot,to abodie ofearth, fo fraile and fo lumpifh c Andhisanfweris,That theAngelis being ouenhrownby theirpride, hewas willingto repaire and to helpethisprefumption,inman,a creature inhis faperior parr,as it were,Angelical,but hailing aheauie&miferable body,which, might ferueas abutton or flayvntohim,thatifthe nimblenefl'eofhis vnderflan- ding fhould puffehimvp,yetthatearthwhich clogged his body fhould humble him and keepehimdown. Amongft otherftratagemsofwane, to annoy theenemiewith duft,anddriue him therebytoyceld,isnot the leaft. Abacuc reports ofa King of the Calde- ans, bathemade a jeaftofwalls,Towers,andBulwarks,becaufe hecould reare higherofearth,Hefhalderide emeryflrong fiold,and fhall heap duller take it.Plutarch tellsvs ofSertorius,That his enemies hauing fortified themfelues Ma cane that was inexpugnable ; to the mouth thereofhelaid great heapesofearth, and the wind favouring him,herailedfo great aduff with his:Troupsofhorfe that they prefently yeelded. The Church findingmanyof their fonsforebellious , that neithermisfortunes willreformethem, nor (tripeskeepethem inawe,vfeth this. policieofDuft,comnäingvpon themwith aMemento homo,Rememberman, &c. Inthat mountainous Counneyof Bifcay, there are force antient buildings wholeruines declare them to haue beene heretofore great andgoodly things here isa pieceofaTower ftanding, here avait Hall, butgone to ruine, there thickegreatwalls, burdemoliflred; What houfesarethere ttheybelongto the c*tendeza's orthc relafe's. Andalthough thefeFamilies haue inotherplaces newPalaces,rich and fumptuous Hallswith guilded roofes, windows,galleries, Courts paned Iafper,Gárdens'andFountains faire andbeautifull; yet do theyMake more reckoning ofthole-Old houfes, becaufe theyconferue their memorie,and(hew the antiquitieof theirdefcent. Thehonoursof theworld, the Effates,Lordíhips, Offices, and-dignities, are things as it were+ofyefterday ; but thatantient houle whichthou muttmoltreckon of,is that thy ruinoushoule ofduft andclay,which putstheeftill tumind,Auodterraes, e,interrors connerte- rk,i.Thatearth thou afford toearth thou JFaltreturne. There is nomanfodefperate,nor ofthat boldnefle offpirit, but lothPhew a kind