Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Theexcellcncieofth tligl,t the fecondSondayin,Lent. Ser. u. which is fpirituàlP. Foralbeit Godcannot be feene by the eyes of the FIeth, . yet fuch fgnes and tokens maybePeenofGod,that we mayverie we! fay,that God himfelfis feen. Phyfìognotnie is aScience, which by the fgnesand markes of the face,doth prognofficate the inclinationandpropenfionof the Soule. One that was skilled in that Art, looking ffeadily on theface ofSocrates,told his Schollers, That hee hadthemarkes ofaman that was ill giuen. Whereunto he anfwered, That hee faid true in regardofthe Starres; but withal!, that Sapiens dominabitur Mils. Looke uponChriftOur Sauiour,and yoti fhai! fee firftof all, that he batha great inclinationtoour good and that bee made efpeciall manifeftation thereofin Mount Tabor ; foras the angrie looke ofaKing is the Meffenger of Death , fo thecheerefulneffe ofhis countenance declareth clemencieand life. The roa- Prnra. 16. ringofa Lyonmakes the Beaftsof the Forreft affraid; andthe indignation of a Pro . 19. King maketh his Vaflàlls to quake and tremble : but his fauouris like the dew vpon thegraffe. Saint tilmbrofefaith, That our Sauiour Chriftsappearing here like Sunneand .Snow, were true pledges ofthe great defirethat he bath of our .good: forthere is not anything thatdoth make the earth fo fruitful!, as theSun ,with his heat,and the Snowwith it's moyfture. Saint Hieromee in that Epiftleof his toPalmachites,againft theerrors ofTahan- nes Hierofelirnitanus,faith,Thatnot onely his facedid fhine,butall hiswhole bo- die; Saint Auflen;2uodcaro illuminate, perveflimenta radiabat: For it was not fit(as Lyrahath it) that his garment fhould fhine, andnot his hands. . His ace anedliketheSunne..Who wouldhauethou ht thatbehindfo oore Therichd4 f g p rtandsarer vac thereMould bee found fuch great treafure ? But it paffeth fo likewife in fhallywhere rhisworld,that he that feemethmoft poore,isoftentimesmoft rich ; andhethat thepooreti feemeth moft rich, ismolt poore. Thegreatnefl'eofRome Saint ¡ohm painteth =ants. forth in theformeof awoman clothed inPurple,bedccked with pretious ¡tones, and inher hand fprígofGold ; but thatwhichdidnotappeare tothe eyes,was allabhomination,filthinefl4e,and beaftlineffe. TheAltars of /Egypt were euery one of themaTreafure-houfe ofPearles, pretious Stones, Gold, Iewells, and .Sil.kes ; but ineuerie one of rhefe their Altars theyhad aToad or aSerpent.The Mezquita orTuticifh Templethat honoureth the bones or Reliques of tWaho- met, is ftored withthat infinite riches, that youwould takehim to beforce great God,whereas indeed he is but on fancarronde vnpuerco, but the withered legof 2.,L ;abafborne fellow,andofno worth in the world. The Idols oftheGen. tilesthoughneuerfomuchgilded `ouerwith Gold, are no betterthanfockes and ftones. One :laid in.rhe Ápacalyps, lam rich, audflasidinneedofnothing: But it ivasanfweredliim fromHeauen,.Thouartpoare, andmuch tobepittied. Thefe are ordinarïlytivitampes ófyourpowerful! perfons andgreat Princes of this +tieriid4haefeeming tobe as brightasthe Sunne in theirbodies, are asblacke as , rcoie in theirfoules. Buttlaofe that are the Saints ofGod, carryingábefinee- trrd eóuntenance,andapatelatgadrment, beare in theirfoulerthe Sunne, icut 7a- 3ernaeulaterdar,fteutpeliisSalsmonis,Richwithin,thoughpoeirewithout. Et eccc aparuerunt Wesd Elias, ntibrW4ásvfet and ,Eliasappeared . °n fmofes his part' there isa f}rong rea- ifrm Among(tthéAffez,itmras áreceimelopinion, (which thofenow- follow, t hamwee call At1aeils"); ¶h9i the Soules diddletogethérwith thebodies : fl+nd kIfeotnetlifihatOrerodicifamourthefatue ,whenhefaidinhisAmicisia, Si- coY#¢o% rteraihi c , ti,EtcçertFasibilcfima4s, AsMerle isnogood,fo there te no hurt itR !eár -, ;ThatQouetsu r,icahJuan in the Gofpelt was furelyof this opinion in his 189