Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

38 HowFaith is raid tobec great. Thecallingo the Gentiles. D/at.;8.v4; Vpon the Thurfeday muflard-plantwas greater for it's proportion, than all the other treesof the field : foby thewayof prdportion was the Centurionsfaith, inregard that he was a fouldier,anvnletter'dman, as an inrefpeq ofthofe fewmiracles which hehad feene, in comparifonof the Iewes. Amendicornobis,quodmulti ab Oriente venient. rerilyrfayvim) you, manyfhallcomefrom the Ea_ i. Here he foretelleththe con- uerfion of the Gentiles, and the reprobationof the Iewes;many times forefpe- cifiedby the Prophets, by fittingmetaphors ; as going out of drieDeferts,into Pooles &Riuersof water; from amidft bti1&sandthornes,into green fields & pleating meadows.Whenthe watersof Iordanwere driuenback,twelue foones were takenout of the bed of that Riuer, foramemoriallof that fo famous a miracle ;'and twelue other putthere in their plae : fo that the wet Hones be- camedrie, and thedrie wet ; whichwas a type and a figure, that manyfonnes Ihouldbe call downe into the dungeon prepared for flaues, and many Slaues fbould enioythe libertie and freedome ofchildren and fonnes : According to that of Deuteronemie, The Stranger (hall come tobeLord,and the Lord become his feruant, Aduenaeriafuhlimier,?heStrangerfhallbe thenobler. Sicut credidiflifiat tibi,&fanatuc eflpuerex ipahora. Be it unto theeas thou haft beleeucd Tohim that bath but fo much Faith as a graine ofmuflard-fe&l,our Sauiourhath promifed fomuch power,thathe !hall, beable to remooue mountains:Sihabueritu tantamfrdemfcutgraneimfynapii, .c. inflancing inmountains,forthattochange&remouethem fromplace toplace, is amongftthenumber ofthofe things thatare heldtobe impoffible ; AIL/confi- dantinDamino,ftcut Mons Sion non commouebitur, Hee that trufethinthe Lord(hall belikeMount Syen,which cannotberemootred. When one manwill to another repre- fent an impoffibilitie, he will fay, Thou wiltas bonebe able to remooue yon- der Mountain. Now then, if to fofmall aFaith fuch great things are promifed,to thatthe Centurions Faith,whichwasfo great, it was not much, that our Sauiour Chrifl fhould grant himfo fmall acourtefie,as there- couerie ofhis ficke Semant. THE