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i wemu loue out enemies. after Aíhwednefday. Serm.3. what he had done. SaintChryfoflomecalls hatredHomicidiumvoluntarism. Some feeme tofinne meerely outofnature, for cuftome isanother nature)and thefe that thus finne, finewithoutawill or dcfire of finning ; but he that hates,muft of force finnewithall his heart. Ego autem dicorvoaís, Diligile inimicosrveflrot. But fayvntoyou, Loueyourenemies . Petro. Chryflogus treating of thepro- foundnefléof the Scripture,faith,That thoughavolume fhould be writtenvp- on euerie word, it were not ableto containe all themyfteries belonging there- unto. What fhall wee fay thento this word Ego, whofe extent and birth is fo great, that none canqualifie it but God ? None knows the Father butthe Son, nor theSonne, but the Father; healonecantel what itis.The fon for torepaire theaffront and infamie ofhisdeath, faid to his Father,ClarifrcamePater,Father glorfeme: And Saint Ambrofe hath noted it , That,the originall word there làith,opinion&Credit,rather thanGlerie;as ifhe fhould haue faid, Ihaue gotten thee (ô Father) amongmenanopinionofbeing the true God,requite mether- fore ingracingmeto be thy Sonne, for onelythoucanft doenie this honour. The mouthesofmen and Angelis fhalLtalke ofhis praife , but are notable to expreflethegreatneffeof this attribute, Ego. The immenfiue greatneffe of the fea is tobee feene inthis thatfo many Riuers andFountainsiffuingout of it, theydoe not onelynot emptie it,and drawit dric, but doe not fo much asleflen it or diminifh it onejot. Ego, euerfine thebeginningof the world, hath been the Theame of the Angels,Prophets,Euangelifts,&the Saints,but could neuer cometo the depthof it. Damafus didPhut vp in fettenverfes fortiefoute names belonging to thisword,Ego. From hencewewill firft ofall draw the authoritie of the Law-giuer. If the authoritie ofKings andEmperours be fo great,thattheirfubieéts at their com- mand aduenturevponmany foolifh and defperateaEtions ; Howmuch greater is that of God rFulgofwsin his Bookede Rebus memorabilibus, reporteth, That a Futg.b.i.cap.i. Prince of. Syria indeering to flenrie Count of Campania (who wascome thi- ther vpon an Embaffage) the obedience of his fouldiers; calling to onewho was Sentinelto aTower,thathe fhould fpeedilycome vnto him, prefently leapt downe from off the battlements.ff aScipio's,Si ego iuffiro (ift jhall commandyou) couldpreuaile fomuchwith his men, What (hall Gods Egodoe who melteth theMountaines likewaxe, (TheMountains did melt away likewaxe,before theface P/ of theLord) taketh away thebreathofPrinces, andcommandeth the feaand the winds,and they obey : leisofhic, quia venti &mareobedientei ? Who isihis,that Mats. thewindsandthefea obey him? who withanEgofun. draweth honie outof(tones, andoyle out of the hard rocke. But fay vnto you. I,that am the Mafterof theworld, who came to reforme the Law, and tovnfold thedarke places ofScripture;l,that amVia reritotis rita,rhewayofrruth andLife; I,thatdeliire moreyour good thanyour fclues : For Iknowhowmuch itimportethyou toloueyour enemies ; and that he that blotteth this loue out ofyour hearts,robbethyouofawonderful rich treafure. I am the Lold that teachethprofitablethings,andgouerns theein theway : itisI(I fay) Efaï 4s. that fay vnto you, Loueyourenemies. Abrahamdidforget the bowellsofaFather,QuieMaiefiitempracipientiscon- ßw.,3. fielerauit, Becaufe he confideredthe LM ieflieofhim that commanded. Chrift our Sauiour doth counterpone his authoritie to thatof the Law-gi- uers ofthis. Law,Dillon. efi antiquis,ls wasfaidto themofold.You haue beleeued lying trlr Sa'sr..6} .9mbr.4defid. capó.