Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Grace enableth vsto doe what Nature cannot. Vpon theFryday thata man may verie well fay Tugammeumfugueea, ey emus mewl;leue, Myyoke ispleafang, andmyburthen light. Si dicebammoues eftpes meus, (faith Dauid)m f ri- cordia tug adiuuabat, When faidmyfoot is moued,thy merciehelpednee: He had fcarce faid, Lord fauour me, but hismercie prefentlyfollowedhim. Nunquid adharet titifedes isiquitatis , quifingis laborem:npracepte ? Art thoua tyrannical) Prince, that bymaking hard Lawes thou fhouideft picke quarrel's with thy Subiats, and fo oppreffe and vndoe them? No , Thouart pittyfull , franke , and libe- rail ; for what thou commandeft, thou accompanieftwith a thoufand fweete bleffings. On the other fide again, weedoubt, howthe old Law beeing fo heauie a burthen, and our Sauiour Chrift adding thereunto a new load vponthe necke of that load, it may be faid Iugummumfaaueefl? I anfwer, That there are two kinds of eating ofaburden,either by leffening theweight,or byadding greater ftrength : For apooreweake beaft, foute Arroba's [acertainemeafure in Spaine, offome fixegallons] will beetoogreat aload ; but for a ftronger twelue Arro- ba's willbee but a light weight : And that to the poore beaft the burthenmay feemethe lighter, the betterway is tomake him fat, & to put him in heart, than wholly to quit himof hislading.Tohim that had beene eight and thirtie yeres benummed, our Sauiourfayd, Tollegrauatumtuum,Take vp thy bed; a fickeneflè offo long continuancecould not but bea great burden vnto him,& that layhea- uily vponhim ; but God giuing him ftrength to endureit,itfeemed light: God euermoremeafures our burthensby his Spirit. Diligite,benefacite,orate, Loue,do good,p ray. Hereare threeBenefrcia fet againft three Damns : Towit, Of our Thoughts, our Words,and our Workes : And in the firft place Loue is put. Some will not perhappes like fo well ofit,That he mufffubmit himfelfefo farre,as to dogood vntohis enemie, and to prayfor him. Butit ought not to feeme ouer burthen- fome to any : for it (landsnot with reafon, that Grace fhould beeleffepowerfull than Sinne, inthofe,whofethoughts,words, and workes tend to what is good. Saint Bap compares thofe that receiue awrong, tothe eccho,which returns you word for word , in the verie fame Language and tone as you your felfe (hall fpeakevnto it. But heerein lies the difference ; that in theeccho, though the voyce may goe encreafing, yet thewrong dothnor: But in thofe that thinke themfelues wronged, that (till grooves more orlef(e, as occafion is offered vp- onreplie of wordes. Your BookesofDuell haue their eccho ; the lye mutt be returned with aboxe on the care ; aboxe on the Barewill require a baftona- doing; a baftonadoing thevnfheathing of the Sword; and the Sword death. Godlikewifèhath his eccho; for acurfing,hee returnesacourtefie: tMaledi- cimur, &beuefacimue, (i.) Wee are curfed, and yet doe good : for hate, loue; for anill , a good turne. God doth not defire of thee, That thoufhouldeft doe more for his fake, than thou dooft for the Deuills : Whichmee thinkesis avale fayreand mannerly kinde ofproceeding, and fuch as thou canot not except againft. If thou canft findein thyheart to goe feea Comedic, mee- thinkes thoufhouldeft not refufe togoehearea Sermon : If thou canot give Li- ueries to thy Pages, it were not much for theeto cloath him that is naked If thou giueíttwentie Crowneswhen thouhaft good lucke at play, to theRan- dersby,it is no great matter for thee ( Godhauing beeft theewithwealth) to beftow foure vpon anHofpitall : If thou canot becontent to(pend two or three houres in idle andlight conuerfation, it isa fmall matter for theeto conuerfe by 1