Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

i4- RcafunswhytQpray Vpon theFriday forourEnemíer. yet thou continueft vnthankefull vnto him by not acknowledging his goodnefl'e. Thatyemaybe the children ofyour Father. Saint John fayth; That God gane vs power tobeeTonnes ofGod.This filiation wee firftreceiue inBaptifine; and is afrerwardsconfirmed in vs , whenGod fha!! find this infcription ingraueninour To be a child, hearts,DiliQite, benefacite,arate, vtfitisftlijpatrie veflri,i.Loue,Doe good,ancIPray, and to exer_ thatyemaybe the childrenofyour Father . I tell thee it is onething tobeeToluca;a cite the duties of a child,not f nne;artother, exercere filiatrenem,i. toperfarmethe officeofafanne. Achild hath anon. vnderftandingbeforehee is ten yeares old,but he dothnot put it in pradife.But bypardoning,thoufhalt (howby thyworkes,that thou art ofthofechildren of God, whom at thy baptifme hee endowed with Grace. All men delire tobee like vnto their King ; DiodorteeSiculue,reporteth of the ./Ethiopians, that ifthe. Dt°d°"de F° Kingwere lame disfigured or blinck-ey'd they would all flriue tobeeas like butis,Aatiquis. b > , c. f. him as they could. Our Sauiour Chrift prayedforhis enemies ontheCroffe; why fMould yee not imitate him, Vt fatisfalÿ,t. thatyeemay bee hischildren , &c, The Croffe (faythNazianzeri ) is thatbright pillar offire in thewilderneflè, which lights vsalong in the night of this life,thatit may teach vs the way, Pro inuidds meis orationesfondere, i. to plow out aprayer agony' my croneEtude. Thatye may bee the children,&c. Saint Paulbath it , Atodftfill , & heredesper Deum, i. Ifchildren,thenalfaheires. What r heires to fogreat a blcffing,andwill yee look itfor an enemie c It will ioy him much to fee you fuffer fo much harm. There is nothinggrieues amanmore, thanto feehis labours loft,efpe- ciallyhauingenduredgreat and long toyle. Wee dayly fee the truthofthis in the fouldier, on the one fide hisbodybroken,andhis cloths torne and ragged ; on the otherreadie to famifh for want offood. InVirgil,. hall, Come women.are feignedtodrawwater in fines ; a fruitlefle labour. In the parable ofthe Sower ourSauiourwas verleCory to fee threeof thefoure partsof feedtobeeloftand E,eeh.a4.12. caft away. Ezeehiel paints out hispeople inthe emblemeofapor,which was fo fouly furredwithin that it was impoflible tomake it clean. cmulto labore fiada. tam efl,&nonexibit deea nimia rubigo,nequeper ignem,i.cMuch labourbathbeenbe. flowed,and yet thefcumafit isnotgone out,no,not by thefare. Jeremy piéturesßabilon ficke,and that manyPhifitions going about tocure her, though theydid apply vnto hermany coftlymedicines, all theirlabour was invaine, Curauimue Babi- tonem,&non ell faüata. Multiply thy feruicestoward God, treafure vp fpirituall richcs,vfealldiligence for tokeepe aBeane Confcience;applyas medicines for tocure thySoule, Teares, Failings, Prayers, Aimes yet if thoudooftnot for- giue and pardon thyenemie, thoudooft nothing. TheScripture fpeakethof Efaa, thatbee couldfindno placefor repentancc,no thoughhe didfeeke it with Teares,(purpofelycitingTeares,that weemight confider how powerfull they are) andthe reafonwas , for that hehad a purpofe tobereuenged on his Bro. Cher : Veniet dies ludo'painsmei, i. c ofy Fatherwilldye ere long, andthen Iwill be reuengedofhim. Thatyemaybeethe children. That ye may(howof-what Houfeyou came, and Gods omni potencie teen' what anobleFather you had. Ati omnepotentiamfuamparcendomaxime & mife- mo(t in his randamanìfeffatDeus forty', & patiens, i. Whomanififiethhisamnipotencie Mercie. moll ofallby f aring;and'hewingPifie. Hearewhat Hugo de pinto Pifiare tels you, Ha vie-1.1.6 vind tlagenue,ignofcerevillis,i.7is anoble reuengetofeline thevanqu d. deaxima. In the genealogyofChrift,onely Dauidis called King ; andonelyfor his gene- rousmind inpardoningthe wrongs that his Enemies didhim. When he gaue g.8eg. :a Saul his life, Nuncfcio veré (Caydhee) quodregnatarua/it,i.2\owknow I truly,that thou