Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Why Goddeferreth ma. ny times his help!. alter Aíhwednefday. Serm.4, thoufeareft God. And S.Paulfaithofhimfelfe,That he did hope beyond hope ; that is , that he did cuenthen frillhope, whenall reaíònöfhopcdid fàile him: Bctidcs,God is woont to permit that our tribulation fhould be greattô the end that our Patience mightbe made grear, our Triall great , andourHope great : and then dothhe come inand helpevs, when hee hath madefufficient proofe of our faith:to the trial wherof Godputs vsa thouftnd manner ofways. The.Peo- plc ofifrael paffed through the bedof Iordan, thofe waters fliding gently along towards the dead fca,and thofe other drouenbacke, fo that theypaired through ìr as through theBrie land. And yet this might perhaps feeme vnto Godbuta Slender triall oftheir Faith ; Firft, Becaufeagreat number ioyning in companie together,theytake more couragevnto them inthe vndcrgoingofany danger;for common calamities are euermorethe leffe felt.Secondly, In regard oftheAxkes being there,whexeof thofe waters might feeme to be affiaid, and fofiebacke for fare, lordàris conuerfise]?retrorfam. Thirdly, For that there were fomany innocent littlechildren amongft them, whom God (they might fuppofe) would not fuffer tobee drowned conhdering theyhadnotyet offended him , as not knowing good from euill. And thereforehe commanded that twelue ofthem, vpon whom the lots fhould fall, fhould goc backe& takeout twelue great (tones out of the bedof Iordan, tomakeaPyramis or Aker to remainas amemoriall of that miracle : whereunto they all of them readilyoffered themfelues with a great deale ofalacritie ; and this was agreat triall oftheir Faith : But it would hauebeene greater, if Godhadcommanded them to fet theirbackes and fhoul- dersagainft the wanes, keeping themthere, and deferring his fuccourtill the threadoftheir hope were broken in twaine, and they readieto perifh. This deferring is vfually the vigili of Gods greater mercies. Saint Gregorie declareth to this purpofe that placeof Efy,Adpuniíum inmodicodere%quife,& in miferationibusmagnis congregani te, He deferred his helpe to-thelast puTh,butthe greater the delaywas, the greater washis metcic ; As wee fee, Gods . deferring of his Iuftice isoftentimes theoccalonofthe fetïerel punitlunent. Sàiñt Chry- &ffome faith, That Chrifts'fo long deferringto alay this'florme, wastb teach vs, that we are not at the first flawofa Tempef, to call for prefent faire weather ; but rather to crie outwith Dauid, Xon mederelingaasvfquequague, Letnot thy not relieuingof meebeeeternall, Forfake me not ô Lordfor euer; butlet thy fuccour come when it (hall feemebelt vntothee : not my, but thywill be done. God likewife refufeth fometimes toaffoord hishelp,out ofthepleafure that hee taketh to fee the Righteous row againft'the ftreame, and to tugge and wrefrie withailthe might they can, againft rhetroublesand afllidtions of this world. Seneca touching(thdoghas a athenjvpótr hi 'Ytràine,faith,That there isnot inalltheearth a fpe[aciemoreWorthie Gods beholding, than tp fee a Bout manwreftling against .fduersé föiirune. Saint d2tyfolame' dvelles=much vpon the great carewhich God tooke in notifyingto the Deuill,that hee fhould not touch fob in his life ; Veruntamen animism illiu«ferua , Butyetpreferuehrs life. Not that7eb'fbtiuldhaue receluedany hurt bythe ioffeofhis life , burabecaufie Godwould not lode thepleafure of feting this flout combat fo t out be- twixt him and his enemie:i r demedio tuleris Theatrum noti"plaudet amp y.Ahd-as your HeathenEmperourswoke great delight in feiing a Chriffian.ónter the Liftes With a Wild Beaft; fo theKing of Heinentakes much pleafúre'm Peeing one ofhisSaintsmaintains Rg}it against thofe fierceBeaftsbf Hell. Et Greg. hondo. n Euang. Chryfl.batn. 5f: inM.,th. He&lightst fee hischits drenwrelllin with ailti- ¿lion. Seneca bb. guar¢ viril cap. z.