Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

8Z TheDeuill acunning Preacher. Vpon the firft. The Dotal a great prouo- Itor toClem níe and why. acak lightswithoutfufßitionofdanger, thenwasthe netlaidfsr me,&c. Butfor all theDeuills cunning fhifts,and for all his fleights and fubtleties,he can neuer fo whollydifguife himfelfe, but that hewill alwaies leaue one cloven foot vncouered,whereby (which is no fmall comfort vntovs) wemay come to know him. lob fpeaking ofthe Deuill , in that metaphore of the Leuiathan; amongfl manyother properties aboue fpecified,hementioneth this one, Luce. bitpoll eumfemita ; He leaues behind him awhite path in the fea , like vnto that froth whichagreat Ship caufeth,when fhebath aftiffe galeofwind in thepoop ofher. Wherebyhe fignifiethvnto vs, That the Deuill which way foeuer he goes, leaues fonre figne behind him. Atthe feet ofSaint Michael theypaint the Deuill, with thefaire bodie ofanAngell,but with the foulemile ofaDragon. For albeit atthe firft fight he transfigure himfelfe into anAngell of Light,yet in theend hewill difcouer himfelfetobeethePrince of Darkeneffe. The Deuill bath beeneteen topreach in the habit ofa religious Frier,verie deuoutly ap- pearingas anAngell of Light, perfuading the People to repentance , and com- municating great comfort vnto them; but inthe end,allhis Sermons haue ended in melancholly pallions. For theDeuills Reuelations rune acontrarie courfe to Gods ; forthefe, although they fomewhat trouble vs at the beginning, yet theyendeuermore in peace and comfort : but thofeofthe Deuill, though they begin in joy, yettheyend in forrow. SiflirtsDei es,dictit lapides iflipanesfiant. Ifthou dearSome eGod,commandthat thefeHones bemadebread. Thefirft paf- fage of this temptation,was the Deuills feeming-pittie and compaffion ofthe great hunger that our Sauiourfuffered. Iwas prefent at thy Baprifine, and at that applaufewhichHeauendid thengiue thee ; but now Ifee howweake and wannethou art growne through thy too much falling, which makes nice to doubt that thouart not the Sonneof God. The Deuill is a great prouoker to Gluttonie ; he Both folicite thepamperingof the flefh, heepropofeth the gri- pingsof theftomacke and theakinaof the head,through toomuch faftin but all at thefoules colt. inimiconsncredes inaternum,(i.) ekeue not thyenemieat all: Whichphrafe offpeech is principally tobe vnderftoodofthe Deuill ; for hee neuer offers thee hisferuice but to thy hurt.Saint Gregorie makes this note,That theDeuill taking from lob his children, his houfes,his heards ofcattell, and his flockes ofSheepe, andinaword, all thegood things that hee had; yet laee left him his wife, but onlythat the might doe the Deuill feruice, Calide cuniladiri- psis, caliditaad'jutricem refeeruauit,It was his cunning to take awayall butitwas agrea- terpieceofcunningto lease himhis Helpe. TheDeuill didnotdoe this out offor- getfulneffe, nor carelefneffe,nor outofany defire that hee hadto leaue fob any comfort at all,for he didnotwith himfo much good, but that hee hoped Thee would bea meanesromooue himto impatiencie, andto driue him to defpaire. True it is that all his fauours tendtomake theway eafie ( butat yourcolt) to bringvstoHell. Hee offeredour Sauiourbread of ftones ; but on condition, that he himfelfe mull take thepaines to mold ir. /Mendetibi kpej1fern,fabricat enimmalúm,Bewareofq wickedman,for,s5c. . Sifiliuses Dei,die, &c. Ifthou be the SomeofGod Ifthou artthe SonneofGod,command as a God. ThyDicere isFacere; Dicvtlidearit,ercSomegraueDoors areofopinionthat this was the firneof 1VI, ofs, whenhee drew waterfromout the Rocke, and nor his: