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A Chro11ology. A, 11 _, • E~n~r. ~~eof . ~:~~~n~f ~~chb~f Hcr~li~~~(t~f! i~ih~ ~~;::f.tcm, but he rrfufcd it, fearing .the. Vp!~ C/; 11111 otGcrrn. 1 ' g Ca~cr· Princesfro~mollpa. rtsof Chr~ll:cndomcameto this King, for his.· wif~m 258 n 88 rtichardU.e ~.a, JIJrna do Lion. bury. Hct~i~:~·~:c"W:~~~h~'~:n~ fivcyms he uigml; }'et llC'\"CrputheanyTaKuponthcLaity, orfirfi-fruits or Appropriations uponthcOicrgy; and~·ctd)·tdworth900000 pounds, beJidesJcwels, preciousflones,andh~!holdFurninuc. This many-ways-h~ppy Kmg, was unhappy in .his Sons, who flood in annor ~1:~":x~::ct~~~~f raaf~,~~~~~:~tli~ci!ud~;s~ns}'~m i ~ufutg him T:~~t:~~:g ~h~id~!~d ~~:d:~, ~ha~0h~i'!s11~ ~~~h~~ ~~ h~Fa~ rhersdeath. His~ ~~c~~nfj~~dcd~fgru~~~~~~ru,:feCsf~'c~~ht:J:~'bo~~ nionsbeyond$(:1, lhl<!wlGUf. Great contention was bttwccn this B.r/JwinNI and the Monks of Canttrh,. 26 7 ry. Setthc~AgnatVol.p.309. Pope Urban wntes to Arch-bilhop .Bt~Uwi,, lharp!y rebuking him,:md u~ holdingtheMonks. Jnfewdaysafrahtdrcs. 11lliyeuK.ingHrnrJPJYSto&me40000mlrksofSilvcr,andfivcthoufandofGold, forthedc::1thof Bulw. Arch-bilhop Ba/Jwin begins the building of the nnv Houfe at Llmbtth, with the Church. · Po~ GrtgorJ dyes with forrow for the kXs o£ t~ Holy Crofs. Tins Po[}c Cltmtnt forbids AKh-bilhop Ba/Jwm to proctcd. And alfo fharplywrites(asdidPo~Urban) torcbukehimas:mopprdforoftht Th~~~~0~kc;;~7t~· another m~c fharp letter to this Arch-bilhop, by hisl.cgate&Julpbur, totheiamcocffcCl-. This rw Pope Clement writtS athird letter to Arch·bilhop Ba!Jwin. , This King forbiddin:; any .1twt to approach his Palace at his Coromrion, I the Jews notwithfiandmg preffing on, wer~ by the Gate-keepers fmit- - ten, and at lafi many, on boidfhip of the Kmgs command of kuping them out of the Palace, flew many of them i on which W3S rai(td a report, that all the ]ews mufi be del\roytd;. infomuch,that the LonJmm Jircddivershoufesof theJrws,:~ndtheJnhabitantsinthem. The King llrongl~ took pm with the Arc~-bi!hop ::tgainll the Monks.. The King forrowmg for his rebellion againfi his Fathu, foe btisf.lClion a- ~' _ ~~Pa7~~!l~:'J~~~~~:t~~' Jtn. 0 ~hi~ 0ht.~o~.:Z,La~~:oh::td:~~~ tendon wnh the undunkful heartcd Frcn<:h King, fo M had divas Vi· dories againfc the enemy; as 3ga.Jnfi l[Rl:.1us Kmgof C;prus, and againft · Acbonandothcrs. Stefollowing,Annoii9J,&c. ~~t~l~.:~~~:hc:~iN~=t~~t,E:iT:~~~E~~n:!~:· tht Arch-bilbop c:lett cl the Church of T~WA:, ::tnd his Company on the oncftdc,and HmryDcanofthatChurch,and hisChlntaand Sing· ing-mcn on the orlJaflde; btcaufc the Dean andhi!Q!irdlasprcfumcd to begin their Scrvic:t before the Bi!hop came : whom they conceived tolbytoolong in ::miringhimfCif,or fomefuchoccafion. The Arch-bifhop bi~ them tl~y their ova-forward Service, now ;h~~d~:~ ~~. B•~;ta~th~nXrctb~; g:e~~~e~~~~:: ~~~ ~f,~c~~;;;: ~;~~~i~·s~:~u:~i~;~~~~e ~~~ s;~!ic!ctbt~~~:: gain, put out the. Li&hts ; where~y thefe Popilh Devotions, clnnot be done WJthotlt Candle-light , were tor the pre(cm extm- <:> guifhcd. · Ki~~110~e~~dd1;~;~~;: ~~se~~~~~X:CP~:~~~::e~~~e~} ~!~::h! 2tS hepurpofcdtoMarry, who!hordyaftc:rm«ttogeth~r, He$;:' i~~r,~~~';~tb~~.I~::~~~~\:nre~:~ga~~JY t~~fo~ 276 ~~~t~1~~ ~~d~~~~~ i~~~~~:·~o~tt~J~~lS f~i~~h;r::~r~:: H off ( JntJffilting his Power to Dcpofe him :IS well as to ~vn him) the CJrdinais raking up rho Crown rhus kicked off, and putting icon In ~~~}~f~~r! t~~~~~~do~;~~~~~b~~~~~~;n~~f~h~~~fmt~~ 2?s l Jlugo Bilhop of Dt1rh11m, ::tnd Wdliam Bilhopof EIJ. To Hugo of Durham was committed lf'in~f"' Caflle : to .1Ydii4m of Fl] the Towct of LonMn. To tht,fe two Bifhops wen: adJOyned four chief J utl.iccs: ~f~.:rl:do/f:u~~o~~d !~f~i!/~;!~fl ~::Ffs.on, ~~~~;~,~h:· thcBifhopof ElJ(btingChancdlor, and by h~Mony got to be rh; I PopcsLtg:.teJ took upon him, t:.kin~ awJy lf'indflrCaitle L fro:n .rhe other Bin1op. It is incredible to thmk how .imempmtdy thi5 B1!hop and Chancellor mi(ufed thtmfclvfS after the Kmgsdeparture ~ into~ --·--~--____,_....::-...