Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

J486 1497 149,9 l ' AChronology. ~ ~~~~~~~t::.g~ ~~g;e:he~ :~~~~~~:tac~oi.I, p.S25. ~~~ ~ The grut tyranny of RUhArJ Lord Proted:or, Vol.t .p.S25. He: afpircs to,and ufurps the Crown, 82 5 g;,~i~:i~,:h~:~;~~~d<mn<d of Hmf<, V. r. ~ 8o8. He cqnde1nncd. eight mep, and fix women, (or denymg Bi(hops that came :J.fttt Ptttr, to be By~~;:~;,~:;~~~::~:';;, ~~~;~~,0lrF({;:>S'~~~~:~~.~~~;~~~,~~~~r;:;~·;;;;~·.~~~~n::;,~ hmif11ed E1rl RichmHnJ :md 10 (et him up as Killg, V.t . p.826. Of M11ximilian E1npe~or, (er: Vof.J.. p. 82 1,11 King9fthcRomansdtversyearsb<:forehcwas£ropcror. Kil~~::b~:;~ ~~e~:~~: ~ ~~i)b(;J~~e\?.1 ~;.~~~~ichmuml, is carried like a de:J.d Calf all dirted, ~~~{a~tt~01~~!:1v;<jf~lm;::l::~~~~~~~zt~j6t~d o:~~h:?y::, \?~~~.8~;:· 8~8' ThiS year Frrdmc11s Emperor waxed aged, and tlle hearts of the Gtrmmt towards the Emperor 828 ~ M~:E:Z::~r~~~~ri~~t.~~!~~~1it"r1ir::::,~·~;:~:x::~::,; h: :::::~ :i' OfthisArchbifhopMorton,feeV,, , p.SS3. ~ The ltamednefs of the Emperor MaximiJiRn, caufed that in this facility ofdifpcrfing teaming by ~ Th;~;~~;:::~;~:.i:E:~;;~:~~~:~~E~£~:::E:~~;:,~:~:~:.::·~ Fmltrims Emperor dies, leaving his fon fok Emperor. OfPopcA!wmdcr, fceV.r.p.S_H. ~ Jo'Wt1J;}~t:;'pi~i~~~ old woman, rr.orher to the Lady ro1111g, is m3rq·rcd. in the, for holding ~ ~;;/;(t7fJe:/;,ase!ctl:cd Ar~lbifhop, but died bffore he was.confmned, V. I. 3. 1 L~~£~~::;,:;:• ~bear faggots before the P1'0Cdlion at Pauls, by wa~· of penance for the truth. APricfibeingperfwadedbythc l{ingto rcvoke, isprefcnt!yburncdal(o, ftdwarJ Piantaginet bc:ing bchtadtd, the O!Jcen moves to CalM. ~ ~~~:~~:;::f'i;:~;~,~~!;~~ .~: £o~',\i:~: .. h:' ~~::·;sn. . 83 ' ~ ~fi~~ i~a~h~s~;.~f~~;;'\/{t!f;e ~:~ ::.;~7J'thcfc~l1\·~1;~~~~th~/fen~i~~S~~g~~~;g Hm.]. 833 ~ Pt~~~ ::"~~:; !~~~1fcJ~io~:2'v~~\vr . W. Titfwortb is bumt at Amtrjham, his only daughttr being confirained. to fet fuc to her dear fu.thtt, V. I. p.878.andtwenryonedopcn:mcefor thetruth, V.t.p.878. ~a~:t~Jf;~isa~dr~\~!~~t~;~(r;a~~lmlu~~e~;!}~iJ by the Bhckfmith, V.2. p.6. Th:F~it:n~f Amtrjl1am is in this p:ar 1506, moft wickedly ftranglcd and martyred in prifon at 878 7'bo. NoriceisburnedatNorwichforthetruth. 879 t.liz-abnb Sampfm is perfecuted. for (peaking againfi Popery. ]::rts ~;~:e ~u;z:.t~:;~r;btl:;~~~dAmerfl~m, V.r. p.87S. A fuithful womau of Chtaping;SoJbur; isbumt, the: perfc:cutor l)r, Whiting, then and there be· ingllainbyaBul!. ~;~1~~fr:;f:~~£J~~~~:~~.~~:~~:~~:,::~;;~~~i,!iii~:r~!~~i:!: ;!~;:;~ ~:~~, wife, th,JtthcDowrymightnotdepartoutofthcland . Em~~!1~~i7:~t·n~;.0~1~~.K~~~~~fi~~~ ~~~:b~~~~~u~:~;~l:Yai\!u~~~ ~i~~;,e~~h~°Ki~! ~~ ~~~i~;~·:~~=~~~:~d~i~~::~;:ii~:f~::;~.::::;:~;:::::~::;:~:1: 4 fur, l1gh, g~, and wecp,&c. tobrmg the prople mto a grcacaconceJt of the Image than of an Image, for wh.ich ther are burn~d. Poec Julius queftioned i~ Tu:one Com1eil. in Fwue: of this fee alfo V.r . p.834. I Thbyear isgreatperfccmton ml..ondt»IDICx:efs,whrreof4onamesarefoundrccordtd,Atm.I527l John Brown martyred, V.2. p.))O. ' Manyaremart~·redinCanurb~tryDioa:fsundcrTV.Wor/Jam, V.2. 531. \ W. Swming, S burned in Smi1hjirld for the: rruth, V.2. P·7· \~~!::~~~~~; ~;,';,.~:~:~f~~~~~~, ; ,7,;.th;iruth, V.,, P·"· ZriJmm the tlevrmh Ottom~m reignc:th over the Turks. He: conquas p.1rt of Chriftrndom, V. 1. pag.8<j6. Pope Juli111.nOt Ha~Jding to the judgmtn\ of a Council1 is conqumd in Vr':ll' by Ludovick the Frmcbl<mg. ~~- - - -- - - POf<