Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Chronology. P?JlC ']11/ius throwing away his Keys ituo the River, and being unable to conqutr by his fword Vol. :a • ::lt dong.cs happens. in~~~:/u~e;, t~m;~:~Althoogh they lxgm to rni&> at tim<Sa lit· P'll' the Church in the times Francil K. of Frnct , tie dtffttent, as may be fcm in the £eveof thefe hving togetha, Hen. S. K.ofEngl.mJ, ral Columcs. 'JamesK.ofS&otlanJ, zamuisKingof Scot1. t:::uf"~nK~~~:fCL~~~~~~~ murthmd in the LollarJs Tower, dc(crilxd, V.z. p.S. Grtat war is this )'C<lf betw«:n Frtderick Duke of Auftria, and LudD'tlil:.e Duke of Bavaria. J:h'!f~;:,u::rb~~~~ m:;::~h~ flain, V.1. p.S47• Eliz.abcth .StamforJ, 'John Houft/(}ld, &c. perfccut«l for the truth, V.l. p.17. ~i:cP:;~Pr~~~a~Ol~lh~lfafd~~ ~n~0~~~~t~o:~c~\~i~l~ et:;~ J·;: :,-!:?;7. Thetroublcs and bumingof Jolm Stilman, Martyr, V.l, p.t8. The Martyrdom of Tbo. Man, V.2, p.r8,r9. Cbriftopbtr Sboomakff is bumed for Rdigion, V.2. p.23. ~~!~~~~~2~mJ:~~:bt~i~~ ~S~~~n~1 ~e~~~Pf~ the Chrifiians, V 1. p.847, 848. lo~amous Dr. G_olet dlt:S, of_whofe hfe, ftt V.1. ~·+'· Not long lxfore whofc: £\ourqbtd fa· p,S~~f/.;~~!"7t:i ~:l':n%~·~~.~::,~ p:;IC:':u!::/.W,;h"' K"" "' A Proclamation againft the Doctrine of !-uthrr, and the followers of it in England, is fct fOJth this year, V.2.p.236. Heforbidsthlrterngood Books, V.2.p.237. 1ohn Southwilu pt'l"fo:uted, V.2. p.r7. The Cl~rgy of England take-n in a Pmnunirt; they p3ya matS of money for it, y.2..P42J. Popc:Uothe tenth fendsforthhisBullagain!lLutber, which L.uthtr wdl baits 111 hts nnfwer, Vo!,2.p.541. This_ycar wast~nible troubleandpt'l"fccut_jon of hundreds of good ptoplcfor the t_ruth > in the 2+ D1.ocefs of f:mccln under LonglanJ their Bin10p, to find whofe names if 1hou Wilt not take the ~.~~he~,~~~~a~~~~: i~~l;~~~:~: ~~~!rv:;~~~~J ~~~~~r1~~:!~~~~~;:tleavcs of Catalogues ~~~~J~:~~e~~~~iW~~ ~t:~~;:0~; Lutbtr, of whom went Prophtcit'S before. ~ Kmg HmrJ the etghth writes agamfi Lutbtr (as it is oommonly reponed and r~uted) in ~hich 57 workothn;>arefuppofed tohJ\'ethechi~fhand; andthc:Ki.ngthen:une, for which heJS by the Pope fi1lcd, Defender of tbt Chriftum Faith. ~~~Jh:i~~~t'Pr~~~a~ ~~~o;~~l~0u~~:,;s~!!~~~~c'!~~~~h'~~~:~~~~n;~~~;~~~d~: fi~om,.totakeBt/gr_aJe, V.1.p.848. Z~tinglt~u thiS year is qudhoned for tc:tching againfi the abuf<S in the Church : His life and a&, V.z.p.7r. This Pope was fomet im<S Schoo!mafier to EmpcrOJ Cbarlts tll(' Fifd1; he is "'a Gmnan bom, yet 64 a grQt cnrmy to ~tber, plotting and acting fundry ~cvices: &tbtr and the Nobles of Grr· ;:~i~:·r~~dd::~~~~~~~;y~:~~~~cr:~~~~t~~~~~i:~~~i~~:l;s:!~~~ r!U:;~ miffion of fins for money, abufing Excommunication, and many more puticulats. Soljman the Turk wins the 1/hnd RhoJn, VoLI. p.S48. The larncnrab!c Mart)'rdom ~f 1~bn C~trk of M e!Jen .in Frt~n:t, Vol.2. J'·~5· Kt~tharint. A 21-5· . 11i;.,;:~:::;,~~:~i:~:~~:::~7i!rY~~~;1~~~~J:r.~~~ti:t.~~~~~.:~.~~~t.:~~E 7' of men fl1ould lx put down) and Chrills Gofpel fhould be fet up, and (o reformation bcgms intho!"tputs. Htnrr Vou and 'John Eftb Friers Arrguftints are burnt at Bruxds for the GoCpd, Vol.z. p.So. p,tl~::~t]~~~~i:£~~t;~~g?~~i~\~~~~tr.~~~;i~;~·~ HtnrySutpbtnisbumedabouttheCiryof Ditthmar, VoJ.2.p.S1. ~!~~ 7:::;~/~c:~~/:'P:~~~~~:. ~~:~~·7c:d, VV~L;:~t: 1l~r~'f~n:J0~:~!:1i~~t:~ of true Religion upon occaf10n of the C2ntons apprehending the 74 Pcrreeution of many in Lin,~/, and OxforJjhirtDi~e(s, V.2. p. 195, 196. Tlus year the Senate cf Zum~ depofeth the Mal$ w11h all ics appurtenances. TVdfangus is martyrtd, great JUdgmentS lxfall hi~ condei1llltt51 V.2. p.91. ~~~~~~~tat;:& ~~:::t::~.::r::r:h~'y~~·~~~cd s:y OecolampaJiu;; .2. p.88. An~~~~S;o;y of Maftu Pttw Spm[er, Miniller, drowned this year; ptn.ned by Otcolampadius, Cardinal Wol[ty the Lord CromwtU at work to pull down fome Religious houfes for the Cardinals ends) teacheth and forcbodeth ominouOy the ruin of tl1e greJ.t Abbeys, which afrer fellbythatLordCromwtU, V.2.p.420. About