Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

-~- A Cbronolog;. 15;+ IH5 1536 1537 rnS J i I ~ Tl~-~~~~~~~~:.~~~~~Jubm-ine Dowager, and marries Lady AnntBuUm, Vol.2. ~~~'· ::, 2, I Q Q•'<n Ann< ;, Cmwnol. or h« <l!!= Eliub.rh;, born, Vol.z. P·•7•: ~ ~ ~ TheTur!(endslusAdmiral.mtoAfukagainfl:theKingofTu,U, who d1fpoffd'feth the King, ~ 1 J T;~1~t:~~~ce~~Jr~n~ ~~:~~~i~~;c :~kii,':~: ·a womans Ghofi, V.2. P·5 50. t ' ' Th~~::~t~~~a~;~~~a~~~·, :';~~~;;~c ('.Qmmons complain of the crutlty of the Prtlatcs, for An Ad: of Succdlion of the Crown IS concluded, VoL'l. p.278. The ~ings fubje& arc (worn to his Su.Prcmacy. Volume a. F• 278. The Pop-s authority is cafl: out of EngltmJ. ~ The B1.!hops attd UniveriititS write agamfi the PoptS Supremacy. Charlu the Fifth Emperor rcfiores the King of 'I'uniJ to his Kingdom, and rdloreth 2oooq. Ca~ tivesoutaffervitudc, Vol.r . p.85a. Pope Paul the third ca\ling a Council, calleth our King WltO the Council, the Kings anfwtt, vol..:..p.310, • ' Sir1!'!:p:%~~~;;y~~ld ~'tr!~~0o~h~o~t:ZeSui:~~a~:dar~~~~c~!~ :::"and owr The Ku1g having ma~c all fafc at home wuh his fubjcels for his own Supremacy againfi the :295 Popes, nowherodeavourst~makefafctohimthcfavourandpcaceofothttPrinces,thatthc Popcmightnotfttthemag:nnfi:him. Thetroub!csofWiOiamTind~tl. jOt HisManyrdom. 305 This yeu alfo died I.M.y ~athm-ine, Princd's Dowager, and Q!ecn..A.nm is 309 Jnthrecdaysaftcr, theKmgma~iesLadr ]amStimer. 310 By the means of_ a Monk a Rebellion is wftd aga.infl the King in Lincolnfllire, upon the chief of 313 whichexrcunonwasdone. Prince EdwarJ is born of the Lady Jam Stymer, the Q9ecn dies in Childlxd. 315 ~~~~h~h~~;e~~ 7;:E;~;::okr~ ~~ ~~~~ ;:;;;,::• ~:e ~~d~f t~~::;iailii ;~k~:v~~~ andwaflsApulill, v.r.p.8 52... . , D. Bon•ur, now but Archdeacon, IS fcnt by the King Ambafl'ador into France, to (uccw:l. Sttphm 315 Gardimr i11 Ambaffie ; Banners Letters tO the Lord Cromwelt, and his defcription to the faid 318 Lordoftheevilbehaviourof G11rdiner. ;:~~r~;K1~;;1 .:~:::::~·::::~:;:~:;:::~~~::.:::::::, f~i Kmg~ Supremacy againfl the Pope, bdore the King at Gmmv~eh. MJny Idols, lma!;(S and Ptlgrimag-=s arc depoftd by means of tl_le (aid injunCtions of the King 330 }.~~~·~:e~fu:l~e~~~g11~~i~h~t {:~~~n:::;~ ::d,mbti~gbu:~tth~i~:~~~I~ 331 fire; and fowasfulfill~dtheProphelit, thattlntldollhouldfetawholeForejlonfire. ibid. This fameyearafterthef.tllof lmages, followtdthcruinoftheAbbics. After the faH of Abbies, the living Tempk of Chrifi John Lambert, falls into trouble, and the marryringfire, bytl~devifeofG~~rdintr. CoJJinrdiflracttd, is with his dog burned thisyea.r, for holding up tka.t dog in imituion of the PrieflsM:~.fs. · 366 Cow~riJge diflnd:ed, burnt for articles, who knew not what he faid himfdf. ibiJ. Will. Laittm bumtd for fpeaki~g againfi: anldol Puutd~'lll is burned for fay i~g teflingly, that whrn the Priefl himfe!f had drunk up all the Wine, he dtd blefs the pwple wnh the empty Chalice. Pd:.r is burned, forty days pardon is proclaimed for them that will flicks into his fire. A T/~1~~~ ~~~e~~dtl~~n:h~fE~~~::~~~:to~~~st:~~ ~~~~:,%if~~~i~~;:,:~e~h~King ~i~~tfi:th himfdf and his Kingdom for abfence, and difcoveteth the defeds of the Popes CounThe reatdiliYcr:mceofGrin.eusfromdan ger,vol+P-777· eighth fers ~orth ~~~u:J~,~~ againfi Englijh Book5, Sacramentary per(ons, 3 6 9 A. togobackward. T there a Town calkd Ct~ftellum NMJum, Ntw CAfltl, T~v;~;~!n~~";~'i~:sp:~:, k!~~~~g1·v~~s~~ny, not giving over in many years., v.l.p.I39· IfthcC:tt.llogutsbctoo tediousinthispageforthtttoreadandfind their names: feetheTableattlieeod. \L Fo•,bOmri>dm>, } A~:;it:lC:;~~t~~~}\;: ~~~~~~~;;~_ isconclw!ed, notwhhflandingmany allc- 3 71 the fix Articks,vs:r..t4• For vows of Chafiuy\ S1tions the Ad: and ArticltS. S· ForMaJfes, 6.ForAuricularC01~feffion, • The gre.u Bible in Englijb printed by th~ Lord Cromwe~s mrans, V: 1-. P.434• Perfccution mowd in Sc~L:mJ, where Sit Jolm BrothwJ&Iu hath great troubles, v.2. p. SI 1. 433 The good loJd Cromwtll is beheaded. Th<