Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The difference between the C/Ntreb of Rome that now u, fJlth 3S fha!l fam not Wlprolitable for the publick infiiu- lawful, without the Popes adrniffion, in the ytar of our ~ion of all othrr Chrifiian Churc~es, to bthold and con- Lord. 1300. w.hen·by the~ power was brought now i:der the ffi?lmer and ofth!s one. Tn the which one to his full pnde and ~tdron. And thus C3me up ~~~~~~~~~~~;~~ !' ~;ine.1~~o~;:~~eaf~:~f~;;e~~~~~fu~~i~~~~ndf~: ~~;~~n1~ 1~eJ~~~~ aJ~~Jf~~~;~~ ~'~~~ latrousoflate 1tharh~cn. Ofthewlnchfour, the firfi Churchof~t, asJtJSnow~~edwuhthismanntt ~~~r~!~t~~~~~~~~ird~~~~~~oda~~T~~ ttf~~~J~:i~~~!J~~;~~~A~~~rfro~ r:.·~::;o' ::!?f SE~~~~!~::~?~~~~h~,t~~~u~T'h!~~ ~;,::~~~:~;~ff;:'£~~E::::~~to"Z.2£ ~~:t. ~e~lh;t~e:~;e;;;tu;;he~~h~b ;,;;: ~!P,;~~i~~ ~~e ~~~~ ~~~ "a:~t~P~c:~ ~!c~~~~~;t~'J ~~~~ ~~ r~~:c~:11~~1Jt::::ft:;.thtij/:e,t~~aJ/frrk:tw~7:htu~ ~i~~~~~ ;~dt ~~~~~~%:~h~~c~~t~:e i~::~) i~~:;. not be judge~, hav_in~ all h1f/Whd$e ~~ Scif/.turr, and all that altOou~ it hath the ttame of tOe Church .Apo~olical ~•.,.and T~•iarif~i- La~~f;:";l~ej:~{Jfo~~trr!a:Bi~. ~ fucO, that }: ~~~~~~~f~ ~~~~;;~~~}t~ d,f/:~t~~ ~~~·~ r.:.or rac ~~~!n~&t~~ ~;::~~~t~O~~;:~t:l~~y:~~~~; ~~~~~I~~1~t:~ ~;:~:,,~~::h:~;·~nl~ !~~~ ~~/~~~;~(~::;~~f[~~~~~c'a~.~~:l~~~v~~~~~ ~~~:::d:~~ fu;~t:~h~1~~ed~~~~~!eot:h[tt~ FJ::~~ lie under Ius feet, ~erne to hold h~ fitt;UP• Kmgs to le:~d llolical Church neither now agreeth with this prefem INllf"f•l· h~ H~e by the Bridk, .fome to kifs hiS feet, placing and Church of ~ome, ~r yet the ma~er, fonn and infiituri- wdifplacmg .Empac~ Kmgs, J:?ukfS and E:uls, whom and on. of ~he find. R~m.ifb Church, as lt now ftandeth with :~~~ ~~ali£;~; ~r~~~~:~~r~;~:F~~;~tef:~~~:n~~ ~~~!;t:;-~~~~~.~~~~i1~; ~~~cvhero~nih;~ · he pleafcd, files. But as Chrifif'lldbythePhariftJ, that they were ing EmJX- the Children, nOt of .Abraham, but of the Devil : in femty or power blablc: wife may be an~wcrcd., dut this .Church of Rome f~?invdt B~ . hurches, to nowprd'mr, with thiSTicle., Jwifdi&on and ~e j;l•·e amhorJt}' to bm an oc e,to ea . roml now ufcd, cannot be &thend upon the Apofilcs, neuher Ju~ge O\'er the fame, to fet up Rd.igJOn~ to Canonne P~trm, nOr Linut, but of another Author, whom here I Sam~ to take Appeals,to bind Confaences,to make I..:tws, Will not name, to difJXnfe with the law and Word of God, to deliver And here .now cometh in the Argwnent ofPighim.,Ho-- TM 1tp0 from ~gatory, toromman~ Angds, &c. jim an~ Em11s,to be anfwmd unto, who arguing for the ~:,t.H .. n , Thitdl.y, what was the life and COI!ver:fat~n of the AntiqwtyandAuthorityofthe:Church of Rome, real"onfi"'aadE<- ~i~i. ~~:~~1~~~~?:~~f~.::~;:::,::0:d.:: ~~.~rEJ~~~~'h:~:,O:.,"=,,:;~~f/~~-:~~":!.~ !?E.~ ~~r tb~ ~~~utJ~~':~~~;y~:~ r!i'ti~~~ ~%'di~:;: . ~i~~~~rmC~~~:~~~a~~~~et:he which Church inVolumemorelargc, indJlit;enceand.fiudy moreapph- TJ- AndfceingthmthcrcisnootherChurch vifiblc, or~ ;~~ ~~~;;~~~j~~:~~e~7~h:n~oTro~fr~~~:~.« w3S ~~~l~~~h:nC~ur~hv~fi~~~ from the Apoftl<:S time, A\! which ~our points well conli~ered an~ ~dvifcd in i. They conclude therefore that the Church cf Romt is th~ P.refent H1~v~y (et fOrth, I rru~ 1t may\er to the that Church whereunto all other Churches mufi have ~t~~~t~~n:a~l~C~~%~~f:~~!~~;~%:se ~~~·!~ich Paralogifmeianf\,·cr rhus: that this ::I= for~~i~:~!et~;h;di~s ~~i1~Thl~~~/~:te~~~~1:~if- ~~~ld£;::;:;;;t;~cttc t~rn~t~~~ht~~ :~:~~~~ .....,..., du~tion, of Heretical J:>oa:rine, ofSchdinancal L1fe, came Church and outward fucceffion ofBi!hops have had their n~tinrotheCh~ of&meall atonetimt-, norfprang dura~tcefromthetimevftheApofilcs, yet the definition With the beginnm!? of the fame Chur~h, but with kmg and matter w~ich ma~eth _a true Apoftolical Church in~ wurking, and conrumance of time by little and little crept deed, and Umvou,mlther IS now in the Church of Rome, Tbe lfll~at ~~~;1:t ~~ ~r~~~~nfr~}i~~~~~,ft~~o~~l~~~;;~g;~~ ~~~}~~:.:~o:ra~~:;:~~~~~~f~~~v~~~~. ~= :~~ ~~a,d. ~r~J.\~ i?d;::~i1ShH£fi:rf,~?i-r.;~:rS ~~~~:~:i~g~.·~:';,~~::t;r~:hL"'~~·~:~: . thefirft brought in theTitle: intheyearofthe Lord67o. Againt?theMajar, whichfiandethupontwo~ I~ which w~s fuch .ample wife bc!'ore publkkly anfwer:Frrfi,althoughthem:cefficyoftheChurchdunng enaCh.:d, and ~eceiv«l publickly in th.e fa1d Church.of from~heApo!Hcs,mayandmuftbe~ted; yet the fame Rome. The {ccondbroughtin Jurifdtd:ion: Thethml nccdlttywasnotbOlmdtoanycertamplaceor~fon,but Po~>t b- which was POJX [tmou~r with h1s rabble oi Monks and only to faith: fo ~hat wher~oever, that is to (~y, m what- ;;~;~7 rtc ~:~s)(~sn~:i:hr1c~u~;h~PBffu~ Lo:;b(~Jot:";h; ~fchr~n~~9:1u0~~~f:~t~f~~nr:~~= fame See after him, cormpted anfobfcurcd the: fincerity ever remain on earth,therefore the Cburch alfo muft needs r~rr BH I· ~~~j;!~!,dte~~~~~~~a~f~:m~~ 0Po:~1t~~~~be~0Jh ~~~;~~n:~11~ !~ ~ ~f.~r~:~~~!!'a~~~ ~i~1,~V!~~ {j~!.7&.the over and bciidesthe J unfdid:ion fufficicntly advanced I» and not anothe.r as well. And therefore to the fccond ~~~:X!~~:tber::c ~~~:. ~dtha~~~ le::::;: f:~ ~~r~~a1,::~rfo~~~;~~~~~i~~ht~ei,~:1~;;;~ (were hentVer (o wdldedcd) lhould be fi.tfficient and or City alone: foneithcr iS there anyone Church in the World