Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

TO THE R IGHT VERTUOUS, Moll: Excellent and Noble PrinceiS, ELIZABETH, ~een OUR Dread Lady, By the Grace of God, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of Chrij/s Faith and Gofpel, and Principal Governor both of the Realm,and aHo over the faid Church of England and Ireland, under Chrifl the Supream Head of the fame, &c. J 0 HN F 0 X, Her humble Subjcfr , willieth daily incrcafe of G 0 DS Holy Spirit and Grace, with long Reign, perfdt Health, a11d j~yful Peace to Govern Hi> Flock committed ro Her Charge; To the Example of all good Prmces, The Comfort of his Church, And Glory of his blcffed Name. CHRI S T the Prince of all Princes, r.ho ~ath pl<tctd JOU in JOHT Thro11e of Majep.J, u;,der Hi"' to Gtroern the Church and Realm of England, give JOHr RoJal Highnefi long to fit,_ and matt} 'ltllrl to Rrign over Vs, in aU jWHrifoing FelititJ, to hi.1 gracio111 Ple4Ji~re, and long lafling joJ of aU ;our Subjtlh. Amen. When I fir{J. prefinted theft Acts and Monument~ 1111to JOHr 11ajeflJ ( mofl dear Sovereig11, t<3.een E L I Z ABET H our pe•ceab/e Salorne ) whrc~ JOHr Mtljejires rare Clement} reuived in foch gentle part ; lll'ell hoped thatthe(e PJ} Traveb in thu Ajnd of rvriling had been weD at an end, wherebJ I might have rettmred Ill} StuditJ again to other purpo[e.1 after ~inc own dejire, m~re jil t ha~~: iD write Hiflories, efJ>edallJ in the E~glifh-Tongue. But cert11in evil diJPoftd Perfom, ~~ mtempe~.~~~ ~"/u;~~::;:ae;t'tc~:!~~~!;o;:~tn;;ftw~;~~a:~~~~;h~tJ:o~0, rt'!;;1 ~:~~;,~!;~~~;;:;_~d ~at;~ :::~::~; ~~:~~~;,~r~!tcbt;~:;e;,/:t;;~;:;;:;;,;::;:i~flHth:O:p':o~~=~tt~r~~ih0!J;~~~~~ of England,even to the G tll tl ofLovain,Jo that no Englilli Papifl almoft in aU the Realm tho11ght himfllf a perfill Catholick.., Hnlefl he had cafl OHI fome W'!rd or other t o gtve that Book._ a blow. Whemtpon, conpdering with 111} Jelf what ftJOJtld move themth111 to rage, jirfll beg.m wiih more cirtHmjjelJ diligence to overlook, again that I had done. In [earthing whereof I found the folllt, both what it wa1, and where it /ay; which was indeednotfo much in the Blofl..itfc/f (to foJtbetmth) as in aNother certain privy my fiery and lt'OI'kjng of fotJtc ; of whom J oan. Avent. foaU!teU TH in' hi1 ~wn word1, andjhew 111 who the) be, Quibus (inquit) audicndi quz fecerint pudor cfi ; nullus faciendi, W:O,a~~;~; :;~:~~~;;k.e ~~ih~;~~;~u;~;,~~ifl:~~:;;~~ ;/;~!c,t~~;;~~~ ~:h:, 1o~g~~i ~e:z:tu;,::,;; theJ migbttheflopping of the fome. And becauft the} c()H/d not work.. it per brachium feculare, bJ p11blic~ AuthoritJ (the Lord of Heaven lcng preftrve JOIIr Noble MajeflJ) tbq rtnewed again an old wonted pral'lift of theirs; doing in lik.J fort herein, as they did fometime.J witb tbe bofJ Bible in the t;';t:t;;Jrr~:";oo:::~[J~~: h f~h:11:,1rf,~::;;n{;;~:~ ~:~h~ ~;o~:g!:! ;J~h:bi~=e:~!?mi:~t!~:~ ~1:~:1;, 'ie:~t;~%: tJG,;~Ra t:!~: :~~~:~/~h~11p::pl~:p;;;et~!;eT;~»j/;~P:; a~~:,Ja~"lty~:,o:f,;/j cannot teD bowman) more. Not thattherewereini: foch l]e1 in very deed; b1tl that the coming of that Booi{foould nol bewrtJ} their l.Jing ft~ljhood, therefore they thoughl bef1to begin fir:fl to mafl.! Ex~ ceptions themfilvuagainfl it; plaJing in their ftage lilze a.1 Phormio did in tbe old ComedJ, wbo,heing in aU thefoult himfilf, began firfl t~ quarrel with Demipho, when D emipho rather had good right to lay Phormia bJ the heels. With /if<! faring brag1 theft Catholicft. Phorrniones think.. now to dafo out aO good Boo~.1, anJ amon~VJ others alfo theft Mon11ments of Martyr I • Which godly M~trt)rl a1 theJ co11/d ttot abide beittf. alive,•fo neither can they now fojfer their memoriuto live after their death, left the Afh of them being i<!tow11 might brhtgperhapl tiJeir wicked A&1and cmel MurlberTtodeteflntion; and therefore JJurrJJ thej fo vehement/} agaipfl thi1 Boo/z of Hijloriu, with aU kjnd of Contume/ie1 and Vproars, railing and wondering 11pon it ; much lik.._e M 1 have heard of a Company of_ Thicvu, who in robbing a certain ~:~,;::1:!,0:,!eo/,;~t;~~~~e;,t:V~;/J:~flf:ho~J=:/~:!::~J,0~~~~;;~;~d:!:;,:;;,;o~;:~~~: tru~::j;o,t:t;;; J:a7:~· witb me; .for when. theJ themfelvtT alt~ether delt ht in UIJtrHth~, a11d have replenijhed the wholt Lhurch ofCIJrijl withfetgned Fablu,lying MlracleJ,fdfetp.tjom,and miftrablt Er:ou co.ntained in th~ir 1\1iffils,PortufeT,BreviarT,d~d SHmmariu,andalmofl no trJJe tale.tiJ aD t~eir SamiJ LnJtJ and FejlzvaiT,t~s now ~t!Jo 710 greatlr~~lbl m Qllf Lovanian Booh.!,&r:. Tet notwJthflandm~;