Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

THE FOURTH BOOKt CONTAINING Other three hundred years from William Conqueror, to the time of 'j_oh11 Wicfl!if!e, wherein is defcribed the proud and mif-ordered R eign of Anticbrifl, beginning to fiir in theChurch of CHRIST. ,.,,._ vv!Ui•m Doko of NMm.ndJ, fimam..d c~~·•· ~~~uD~ke~e ~;~~~j/~o!~d' N~ t:~(tv~a:~~~w;;;~~~~~d ~~~ 1 ;;,;,fr.J'i::;;,n;·;b;~; Englijl,-mm obtain«<, WJ.S received IGng over the Realm of &~Jtmd, not fo much by aifatt, as !Or fear and n«ef· fity ottime. For dfe the lAntknm lud promifed the-ir aUilbnce to E!gar Ethtling to the uttermofi o~ their power. But lxmg w~almcd and wa!led fo gre.nly m lm· 1 Jb<Ynncn <f '"1 K>.•gd•m tds lxforc, and the Duke coming fo fill up-m them, and { ~~~} ~~~!J ;~:~~~~~~u~vh~~u;:~cr~~c~ir~~n~=· ( ~~~~ Duke made aKmg) was Crowm:d upon ChrijftJMr·daJ m thcp:ar of our Lord, 1o67. by the hands of Aldredm Archbifhopof1ilrk; for:~fmuch asat thattirneStigand:u Archbifhop of, Canttrburywas abfenr, or clfe durllnot, :~.'~ "' ~f~~~~;~0~~;~~ \:: 1~1f f~~etDeu~!,d~e :~;~~tie b~a~f:,1~ Star was feen the fpace of "feven days., which WlS the ~~;j';e,_,;;_;;;,'b;n:P,;;;;;;p~'ij ,;;;;~;i;";.:.: (;';,/~:d year before. In record whereof, as we!\ of the Con· ~~~~~the Duke, as of the blaling·St:lr, thefe Verfcs yet