Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A T A B L E 0 F TABLES, Shewing to a whole Alphabet of fun dry forts of Readers ; To each kind a particular Caralogue of Inllanccs: Gtvmg htm an accounc, wherem the reading of rhis great Book of MARTY R S mayabundancly givecortcencmenc eo his vein of Scudy, and recompence hts pams. The Referencet of which Tabk let the Re1der thiH tmderjland, u~J~~=~,~~;;:r,R,:J:c1:!:~~;o; 't=.1~::~?v/tb:/~blf;t~fu!ra~~t~~~!: ~ ';(. to bt •Jiu~:Jt/~br;'t~:;j ~:foi~~e:/!~~'alih!::::h;,!.j~~~:;: t;/,e{a~~~ '~'Jie ~ub~efl~~r~~t~;fti~ rtgUArdmbtr ofthtFormor Mattcrtbereof. { Methodical; ketping time, as fo grtat a vafineJS of Story wdUid pmnit, in the Hi!l:oxitS of many Kingdomsbtlidcsourown. ., Cttt.J.inintheproof; fromeyr-witnrffcsintentupontbethingsinthe doing; and ancirnt R(O)rds, ltgal.lydrawn, fafelyprcfavcd,andfaithfullyproductd. . Wdl qualified for fiilc and exprdiion ; krq>ing ~n mulio JicmJi Ktntre, a middle firain, yet varying for Farm, It1 t~ phrafc of fpetch to the matter in hand. When this Book fpc1ks othawife, it fpeaks the words of anot:ha man, either relating or acting the nutta of that Story. And thm what is wanting in 1 ~ bd1: phrafe, is rccomprnfed that With certainty, pathcticalndS, and j>lcafwc of hearing the { Dialed:sofplainandancJcnttimesandmen. · Rich in variety ; ever and anon, afta a more fttious mm.tion, fetching the Re:tdetS fpirits fi:eili , again (like the witty Comrdian) with a fudden winding iri, not impertinently, of fome chru~ I, fuldifcourli:. ~As a Library it abounds with Treatilh, each Page mofUy being as a Cev~l Book ; yea, qnc Leaf mani For MaHtr, t~mesasaShelf of Authors, for moftpoints:ind perfoJlS: Wc willgtve !iutatafte in fomefewpar~ t1culars, inanAlphabeticalordtr. A.