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Polilivr Orthodox Divi-\~~ ~~fprY6t~{~~:.~83, to 185. ~{ O~~~:sotha Points in fomc ;~~~)~~vT~~~{Works,A TraCt yol. I.p.l.S.c,t, I toud>"•g Th< H"<h of Rd•g;on ;ntwrnty Prin<;p]<S. Vol.>. p.l6,,,,, The fum of Paul's DoCtrine in nintt«n Pofirions. Vol.I.p.:u.c.z. ( GENESIS. I g~~ ~~~~0~-~-.p~~l;.J: p.26, C.2. Clup.S. ver.zo. Vol.I.p.40f,<f.07. c.2. '!1 Voi.I•. p.z6.c.2. Clup.14. of MtkhifrJtk. Vol,r. p.407.c.2, [ Chap. u. Netts of a Sttmon t011Chlng die fpil:itual meaning of Sard and HAgar. Vola. p.f4I.c.r. I I ·I .l EXODUS. \ Chap. 20. Sundry Propofirions opening 1 the Ten Commandmrnts. Vol. 2. , p.tSo. ~ Chap.29. Themt:aning of.Aar&71s l.lnmBuu:hes. Votz. p.4oo.c.t. I g~~~: :~.~~-.~~::: .. ~~t Chap.42,vtt+Vol.I.p.119.C.J. Chap.sper.s.Voi.I . p.27.c.t. Chap.s6.vtt.I.· A Smnonupon it. Vol,I .p.4n~. 1. i JEREM I AH. Chap.23 . vtr.28. Vol.z.p.342.e.t, LAMENTATIONS. Ch:tp.I.Vtt.6.Vo1.2.p.229· EZEK. Chap.3.vtt.IS.Vol.t.p.362.c.1. DANIEL. I Chap.9.vtt.26. Vol.I.p.548.c.1. Chap. I 1. ver.37, Urged exceUently againft Popijb ferming Abfiinence from Woffi(O.Vol.2.p.so4.c. I. 1 J V~8~f~1oi.~.~~.t~.GoJofForys) Pvi tG!~ wl»mhitFatlm - - ·- - HOSE~.